Here is your R&D for March 15th:

Tokyo Shares End Day Down 11% from the Wall Street Journal
The Nikkei Stock Average plunged 11% today after new explosions at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power complex.  The market has been plagued by panic selling since Japan was rocked with an earthquake and tsunami last Friday.

North Kosovo: Dual Sovereignty in Practice from the International Crisis Group
This International Crisis Group report discusses the situation in the disputed state of Kosovo, where Serbs in the northern part of the country refuses to be part of Kosovar policy.  Extempers should make sure to print the full report, as well as the summary, from this site.

N.R.A. Declines to Meet With Obama on Gun Policy from the New York Times
President Obama is seeking to draft new gun laws, but the National Rifle Association has refused the President’s invitation to meet with gun control supporters.  The NRA’s actions may doom legislation because of its clout with both parties in Washington.

Bahrain clampdown tightens as Gulf force joins from the Associated Press
Saudi Arabia sent military forces into Bahrain yesterday in order to contain protests that have rocked the Sunni kingdom there.  Iran has denounced Saudi Arabia’s move as unacceptable.

Four Ways the U.S. Can Help Japan, Also Itself from Bloomberg
Extempers may receive questions concerning how the U.S. can best help Japan in the coming weeks and months.  This article from Bloomberg details the steps Americans can take to help Japan’s recovery.