Here is your R&D for March 28th:

How Libya’s Qaddafi brought humanitarian intervention back in vogue from the Christian Science Monitor
Libya’s Moammar Gaddafi has resurrected the international doctrine of the “right to protect”, which some analysts thought was a dead idea dating back to international inaction on Darfur.

Water Issues Worry Americans Most, Global Warming Least from Gallup
A recent Gallup poll shows that Americans environmental concerns have remained static since last year.  Worries about water contamination rate the highest in Gallup’s latest poll about environmental problems facing the United States.

The Libyan Job from Slate
Slate Magazine doesn’t pull any punches in this article, when it makes the case that America is sending its military forces into Libya to defend French interests.

What is at stake if Syria’s regime falls from the Christian Science Monitor
Usually, I try to avoid posting two articles from the same source in a daily R&D.  However, this is a very good article that lays out a nice impact story for extempers if they draw a question about Syria’s protests this weekend.

Chavez urges Venezuelans to cut calorie intake from the Associated Press
In an article that extempers likely won’t use, but could be a source of AGD ideas, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has been lecturing his countrymen about the need to be healthy and the need to avoid cosmetic surgery.