1.  Will Tim Kaine’s connections to President Obama undermine his 2012 Senate bid?
2.  Has the U.S. botched the “kill team” investigation?
3.  Will state attempts to crack down on illegal immigrants lead to stricter measures on a national scale?
4.  Do Paul Ryan’s proposed plans to restructure Medicare go too far?
5.  How would a Donald Trump candidacy impact the 2012 GOP presidential primary?
6.  Will social or fiscal concerns be the cause of a government shutdown?
7.  Does the Federal Reserve have too much power over the fate of individual banks?
8.  Will Debbie Wasserman Schultz be an effective DNC chairman?
9.  Has Katie Couric’s tenure at the CBS Evening News been a failure?
10.  Will the U.S. economy experience significant inflation this summer?

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