Here is your R&D for April 21st:

What Gary Johnson Brings to the GOP Presidential Race from the Atlantic
Former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson announced a bid for the Republican presidential nomination today.  Johnson was a two-term governor in New Mexico, but his stances on abortion and the legalization of marijuana will likely hobble his candidacy.

Obama has OK’d use of drones in Libya, Gates says from CNN
In a sign of the escalating conflict in Libya, Defense Secretary Robert Gates announced that President Obama has approved the use of Predator drones in Libya.

Gulf Council presents Yemen’s Saleh with exit plan from the Christian Science Monitor
The Gulf Cooperation Council has submitted a plan to Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh that calls for him to step down from power within thirty days in exchange for immunity from prosecution.  This is the latest attempt at trying to resolve Yemen’s three month old period of political deadlock.

Poll: GOP presidential field curbs voter enthusiasm from the Los Angeles Times
A recent New York Times/CBS News poll shows that Republican presidential candidates have a lot of work to do as 60% of Republicans say that none of the current candidates sparks their enthusiasm.  Furthermore, only one candidate, Mike Huckabee, is viewed favorable by half of those surveyed.

Michel Martelly officially declared Haitian president from the BBC
Singer Michel Martelly has been declared as Haiti’s official president with 67.6% of the popular vote.  However, results that show that former President Rene Preval’s Unity Party will be a dominant force in the legislature has provoked violent protests.