1.  Should Thailand scrap its lese-majeste laws?
2.  How should Mikhael Saakashvili react to protests that are calling for hsis resignation?
3.  Should there be global rules for the Internet?
4.  How can the Democratic Alliance make greater inroads with black voters in South Africa?
5.  After taking a beating in local elections and considering the level of political unrest in the country, should Zapatero call for early elections?
6.  How should Japan redesign its power grid in light of the Fukushima nuclear disaster?
7.  What steps can the international community take to ensure that Sudan and Southern Sudan do not go to war?
8.  How secure is Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal?
9.  Is it only a matter of time before NATO ground forces are in Libya?
10.  How would a Chinese economic slowdown impact the global economy?

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