Here is your final short answer Extemp Central news quiz for the 2010-2011 season. Good luck!

1. This GOP presidential contender lost six advisors last week because of arguments over campaign strategy.
a. Jon Huntsman
b. Mitt Romney
c. Newt Gingrich
d. Tim Pawlenty

2. Turkey’s Justice and Development Party campaigned last week for a parliamentary super majority so that they could revise the country’s constitution. When was this constitution written?
a. 1923
b. 1968
c. 1982
d. 1999

3. Al-Qaeda’s most senior operative in East Africa, Fazul Abdullah Mohammed, was killed last week. He was accused of planning the 1998 U.S. embassy bombings in Kenya and what other country?
a. Tanzania
b. Eritrea
c. Ethiopia
d. Somalia

4. On Sunday, this European country began voting on a referendum to indefinitely shelve nuclear energy plans.
a. Great Britain
b. Greece
c. Italy
d. The Netherlands

5. Who is the current Democratic National Committee Chair?
a. Debbie Wasserman Schultz
b. Tim Kaine
c. Terry McAuliffe
d. Donna Brazile

6. Name the four politicians that will be part of President Obama’s bipartisan golf foursome.

7. Bangladesh is seeing its second general strike this month. What are strikers protesting?
a. Close relations with China
b. The right to form unions in the workplace
c. Scrapping of minimum wage laws
d. Amendment to the country’s constitution

8. This state’s governor rejected their state’s budget last week, becoming the first governor in state history to do so.
a. North Carolina
b. Indiana
c. Kentucky
d. Virginia

9. Monday night, several GOP presidential hopefuls will have a debate in this state.
a. Iowa
b. New Hampshire
c. Florida
d. South Carolina

10. This airline came under fire last week for charging military members for exceeding a baggage limit.
a. Delta
b. United
c. Southwest
d. Continental