Turkey held parliamentary elections yesterday.  This R&D provides some useful articles for extempers at the NFL National Tournament concerning this event.  Since all of the articles are about the same topic, explanations are not provided for each article.

Recep Erdogan wins by landslide in Turkey’s general election from the Guardian

Turkey election:  Press hails Erdogan victory from the BBC

Turkish elections see highest voter turnout in years from Today’s Zaman

Turkey’s Election Offers a Last Chance to Integrate the Kurds from Time

A win for Turkish democracy from the Australian

Something for Everyone: Why Turkey’s Vote is Good for Democracy from Time

Turkish PM a clear winner but shy of reform majority from the Sydney Morning Herald

Kurds make big gains in Turkish election from the Associated Press

Turkish stocks gain as AK Party wins election from Reuters

Backgrounder: Major political parties running in Turkey’s parliamentary elections from the China Daily