1.  Is it important that the Occupy Wall Street movement unifies around a single message?
2.  How will recent reports that Hugo Chavez’s cancer is terminal impact U.S. foreign policy toward Latin America?
3.  Is the U.S. doing enough to help Libya move forward?
4.  Should the CLASS Act be repealed? 
5.  Are high stakes tests for college admissions creatin a cheating problem?
6.  Should lying about military medals that you did not earn be a crime? 
7.  What can the Democratic Party do to bolster enthusiasm prior to the 2012 elections?
8.  Is it Romney or bust for the GOP in 2012?
9.  Does the U.S. have a significant national security interest in Central Africa? 
10.  Is President Obama making a bad political decision by supporting the Occupy Wall Street protests?

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