1.  What accounts for significant disparities in jobless data within the EU?
2.  How should the international community react if the vote for the Russian presidency has significant irregularities?
3.  Is it in Burma’s best interest to formalize relations with the United States?
4.  Will the scandal engulfing Christian Wulff pull down Angela Merkel?
5.  Is Hungary moving towards a dictatorship?
6.  Will talks in Jordan between the Israelis and the Palestinians go anywhere?
7.  If the Taliban strike a deal with coalition forces, are they the winners of the Afghan war?
8.  Should the Iranian government worry about new economic sanctions?
9.  Will 2012 be the year that the EU collapses or we see the formation of a “United States of Europe”?
10.  Will North Korea’s military exert more influence over the country’s foreign policy under Kim Jong-un?

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