Here is this week’s Extemp Central multiple choice news quiz.  Pick well and good luck!

1.  This territory is seeking recognition from Latin America and their chancellor met President Daniel Ortega from Nicaragua in November.
a.  Tibet
b.  Kosovo
c.  Taiwan
d.  South Sudan

2.  Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords has until this month of the year to file her papers to run for re-election.
a.  February
b.  March
c.  April
d.  May

3.  Which U.S. automaker is leading U.S. carmaker gains in China?
a.  Chrysler
b.  Ford
c.  General Motors
d.  BMW of North America

4.  What issue is behind a national strike in Nigeria?
a.  Anger at state controlled media
b.  High gas prices
c.  Continued terrorist attacks
d.  The lack of a democratic government

5.  This state’s electoral maps are being reviewed by the Supreme Court.  If they are found to be valid it could strike a blow towards the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
a.  Mississippi
b.  Florida
c.  Texas
d.  South Carolina

6.  The Iowa caucus was decided by how many votes?
a.  8
b.  18
c.  28
d.  38

7.  This GOP presidential candidate is notable because of his pledge to not go negative, which he has now abandoned.
a.  Rick Santorum
b.  Ron Paul
c.  Jon Huntsman
d.  Newt Gingrich

8.  A suspected Islamic extremist was arrested on Monday after attempting to attack crowded areas in this city.
a.  Dallas, Texas
b.  Little Rock, Arkansas
c.  Tampa, Florida
d.  Des Moines, Iowa

9.  The opposition leader of this country was recently acquitted of sodomy charges after a two-year trial.
a.  Malaysia
b.  Nepal
c.  Cambodia
d.  Vietnam

10.  What is the current U.S. unemployment rate?
a.  8.3%
b.  8.4%
c.  8.5%
d.  8.6%