1.  Will David Cameron’s decision to adopt a conciliatory approach on EU fiscal matters hurt his standing among British conservatives?
2.  Would Syria’s fall be a major blow to Hezbollah?
3.  Will Netanyahu see out his term as Israeli prime minister?
4.  Is state capitalism the Marxism of the 21st century?
5.  Will France’s Constitutional Court find that a bill criminalizing the denial of the Armenian genocide is unconstitutional?
6.  How can the AU become a more efficient international organization?
7.  Should Abdoulaye Wade have been allowed to run for re-election in Senegal?
8.  What message is the UK sending to Argentina by sending Prince William on a tour of duty of the Falkland Islands?
9.  Have liberals been outmanuevered in the aftermath of the Egyptian revolution?
10.  Will Russia back the UN draft resolution against Syria?

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