United States

Has California finally gotten its perennial budget problems under control?

Will the Biden proposal bring about a meaningful change in US gun control policy?

Is the US likely to secure immunity for its troops in Afghanistan by 2014?

Should the US pursue legal action against Wal-Mart over allegations of bribery in Mexico?

Should Michelle Bachmann be removed from the House Intelligence Committee?

Will the death of Aaron Schwartz lead to restrictions on prosecutorial authority as it pertains to intellectual property law?

What impact will the Seventh Circuit’s decision in Moore v. Madigan have on gun control policy?

Should the Federal Reserve take a monetary policy which more aggressively targets unemployment figures?

Do influenza-related public health emergencies in New York and Boston reflect a need for stronger vaccine subsidies?

Will Obama’s latest high-profile argument with Netanyahu affect Chuck Hagel’s viability as a Defense Secretary candidate?


Will recent murders in France unravel hopes for peace talks between Turkey and the PKK?

How would a complete US withdrawal from Afghanistan alter the domestic political balance of Pakistan?

Will Russia’s ban on American adoptions have any lasting consequences for US-Russo relations?

What does Julian Assange stand to gain from his run for Australian public office?

Will French intervention in Mali speed up the deployment of an African force to the country?

What should the UK government do to quell growing protests in Belfast?

How can the international community disrupt Iran’s attempts to circumvent economic sanctions?

Does the Abe government have the right plan to put Japan on the path to economic prosperity?

Are Tunisian economic woes to blame for the nation’s continued trouble in building a stable government?

Do recent environmental complaints in China present more of an opportunity, or a threat, to the stability of China’s central government?