Confidential report lists U.S. weapons system designs compromised by Chinese cyberspies from The Washington Post
In an alarming confident report, the Pentagon revealed that Chinese hackers acquired designs for over twenty major weapons systems, which could harm America’s chances in a future war with China.

Preventing Pharmageddon: Treatment Access for Noncommunicable Diseases from The Council on Foreign Relations
This policy memorandum from the Council on Foreign Relations discusses battles over access to patented medicines by developing nations.  It is a helpful article for extempers looking to increase evidence in their files about global medical issues.

Winning the jobs war from Politico
This op-ed piece, written by Delaware Governor Jack Markell discusses strategies that the country needs to take to make sure current students are ready for jobs of the future.  The op-ed heavily promotes the STEM education program.

Justice at the Barrel of a Gun: Vigilante Militias in Mexico from The International Crisis Group
This report from the International Crisis Group (make sure to click on the .pdf) provides an overview of militia organizations in Mexico, which are going after suspected criminals.  However, Mexican authorities fear that some of these groups are now being used by criminal syndicates.

Hizbullah may be hurting itself from The Economist
The Economist argues that Hizbullah’s foray into the Syrian civil war might be a strategic lapse, as it could cost it popularity at home and reduce its appeal abroad.

Obama Plans 3 Nominations for Key Court from The New York Times
President Obama is attempting to fill three vacancies on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia and if confirmed his appointees will likely move the Court away from its conservative leanings.  However, Republicans are accusing President Obama of stacking the Court and could filibuster his nominations.

Larry Summers has an edge in the race to head the Federal Reserve from The Financial Times
This article from the Financial Times breaks down possible successors to Ben Bernanke at the Federal Reserve.  President Obama is expected to make an announcement about Bernanke’s replacement in September.

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