Issue Guide: The Domestic Surveillance Debate from the Council on Foreign Relations
The link to this piece provides extempers with access to articles that give background, pro and con arguments, legislative history, and primary sources concerning the NSA’s domestic intelligence program.

Most Americans back NSA tracking phone records, prioritize probes over privacy from The Washington Post
In an interesting finding from a Washington Post-Pew Research Center poll, a majority of Americans (56%) support prioritizing hunts for terrorists over personal privacy.

Edward Snowden: NSA leaker reveals himself, expects retribution from The Christian Science Monitor
Edward Snowden, who leaked the NSA’s telephone and Internet intelligence gathering operations, revealed to the Guardian that he expects to receive backlash from American authorities over his actions. There is currently an ongoing policy debate about whether America should prosecute Snowden, although doing so might be difficult since he is currently in Hong Kong.

Nelson Mandela: Is it time for South Africa to let him go? from BBC News
Nelson Mandela, South Africa’s first black president and apartheid opponent, is heavily revered in South Africa. However, as his passing becomes more likely in the coming years, South Africans are going to have to cope with life without him and this article discusses that issue.

Decisive Days for Euro: High Court Considers ECB Bond Buys from Der Spiegel
Germany’s Constitutional Court is getting ready to weigh in on whether the European Central Bank’s bond buying programs for debt-laden nations violate Germany’s obligations to the European Union. A negative ruling could do lasting damage to EU attempts to rescue the euro from its current doldrums.

Jeff Chiesa sworn-in as U.S. senator from Politico
Jeff Chiesa was sworn in as New Jersey’s interim senator yesterday and he will serve until a special election in October. This article provides a quick summary of how Chiesa’s arrival impacts the Senate.

Italy local elections give boost to PM Letta from Reuters
Italy’s center-left government received a boost yesterday when it won Rome’s mayoral election and several other local races. The victory may give Prime Minister Enrico Letta more power in his government, which includes his political adversary and former prime minister Silvio Berlusconi.

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