1. Is Bobby Jindal’s healthcare proposal a feasible alternative to the Affordable Care Act?
2. Did CBS make the wrong call in deciding to replace David Letterman with Stephen Colbert?
3. If Russia occupies Eastern Ukraine, how should the U.S. react?
4. Should Vance McAllister resign?
5. What is the best way for the federal government to oversee grazing on public lands in the West?
6. How will the U.S. government’s decision to deny a visa to Hamid Abutalebi impact its nuclear talks with Iran?
7. Does Kathleen Sebelius’s resignation improve the public relations dimension of the Affordable Care Act?
8. Is the “war on women” narrative still politically effective?
9. Should state be required to disclose the drugs used for lethal injection?
10. The Heartbleed virus: a significant security threat or a nuisance for businesses?