Here is your big R&D for November 23rd

North, South Korea exchange fire; 2 marines killed from the Associated Press
North and South Korea exchanged artillery fire today after North Korea shelled an island near their disputed sea border.  Two South Korean marines were killed.

Irish Debt Crisis Forces Collapse of Government from the New York Times
The Irish government collapsed a day after signing a $100 billion bailout from the European Union.  Prime Minister Brian Cowen says that he will dissolve the government after the country passes its 2011 budget in December.

North Korean attack: South mingles toughness with calls for calm from the Christian Science Monitor
After North Korea’s latest provocative attack, South Korean analysts are split over how best to respond.

Terrorism Trials and Detention’s Future from the Council on Foreign Relations
After the Ahmed Ghailani disaster, what is the future of America’s detention policy for terror suspects?

FCC moves to ensure ‘net neutrality’ from the Financial Times
The Federal Communication Commission is expected to move forward with a net neutrality proposal next week.  The FCC’s plan would forbid internet service providers from blocking or favouring content online.

Women and men can use condoms to protect themselves from Aids, Vatican says from the UK Telegraph
Pope Benedict XVI’s book “Light of the World” argues that condom use by Catholics is acceptable to prevent the spread of AIDS.  This answers the Church’s critics, who allege that its stance on condoms has contributed to Africa’s AIDS problem.

Scenes of grief amid Cambodia crush carnage from the BBC
A stampede on the Diamond Island bridge has startled Cambodia, whose local medical facilities are not equipped to handle the disaster.  Prime Minister Hun Sen has promised an investigation into the disaster.

Airport body scan opponents call for passengers to opt out on Wednesday from the Oakland Tribune
Opponents of the TSA’s enhanced security policies are calling for fliers to opt-out of body scanners.  The airline industry fears that a National Opt-Out Day could slow traffic at the nation’s busiest airports.

Bushes like Romney ‘very much’ from the Boston Globe
Former President George H.W. Bush praised former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney on CNN last night.  The move is a small boost to Romney, who is laying the groundwork for a 2012 presidential run.

N.Y. Dem Owens might support Republican John Boehner for Speaker from the Hill
Democratic Congressman Bill Owens has said that he might vote for John Boehner as Speaker of the House when Congress convenes in January.  Owens, who supported Nancy Pelosi for Minority Leader, still has fears that Democrats are not going to try to govern from the center.

UN scientists say emission pledges fall well short of halting climate change from the Guardian
UN scientists argue that pledged by 80 nations to reduce their carbon emissions are not enough to avoid the consequences of global warming.

Fed Weighed Setting Target for Inflation, Minutes Show from the New York Times
The Federal Reserve’s meeting minutes show that they considered adopting a formal inflation target.  If the Fed adopted such a target, it would be a huge sea change in how they interact and communicate with the public.

Obama needs a governor in the West Wing from the Washington Post
Considering the failure of the Obama administration to champion its accomplishments and exploit political opportunities, it may be time for the administration to look into making a governor like Ed Rendell or Jennifer Granholm a part of the President’s inner circle.

Chancellor Faces Tough Sell on Irish Bailout from Der Spiegel
German Chancellor Angela Merkel is going to have to sell German voters on why they have to bail out another euro-zone member and it is not going to be easy.

Iranian opposition struggles from the Asia Times
Iran’s political opposition has been shattered after Iran’s last presidential election.  Find out how bad of a position it is in in this article.

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