In news that has just been announced by MBA Extemp Round Robin Tournament Director Adam Johnson, this year’s MBA Extemp Round Robin field will host twenty instead of the usual sixteen competitors because this is the thirtieth anniversary of the MBA Round Robin tournament (although extemp was introduced starting in 1999), thereby creating the largest assembly of extempers in tournament history.  The plan for the tournament is that each of the competitors will hit each other once in the first six rounds.  After this point, the tournament will break into two divisions, one featuring the top eight extempers and the other featuring the bottom twelve.  The tournament will recognize the top eight extempers at awards, although five will still make the Exhibition Round on Sunday, and there will be a consolation champion for the extemper that wins from the round robin in the bottom twelve.

When Extemp Central hears of the remaining four participants, we will announce them here.

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