buzzWhile last season started off with the best of intentions, work, health issues, and getting married prevented me from doing much aside from posting questions for extempers on this website during the 2018-2019 competition year.  What made Extemp Central a great place was write ups of tournament results and a place to get resources, as well as community news.

For 2019-2020, I can continue to do the weekly practice questions that competitors and coaches have told me are helpful in their efforts to prepare for tournaments on the local, regional, and national levels.  I also plan to contact a few competitors for interviews to recap last season.  However, I need some help with the following:

*Results Correspondents:  Ideally, it would be nice to have a few correspondents that attend (or follow) national circuit competitions to send me results for these competitions, typing up where competitors place (and where they are from) and a few paragraphs that summarize the events at that tournament.  I can provide a template for this, but I need others to shoulder some of this responsibility as my time to research, type, and post results has become limited over the years.  It would be great to have one correspondent for each region of the country (e.g. South, West, Northeast, Midwest, Southwest) to send these results so we can post what is going on with the national circuit.  This would also help update the 2019-2020 National Points Race.

*Article Contributors:  One of the big strengths of this site has been compiling articles from past competitors about “how to” do extemp at a high level.  We have not been able to add much in this department in recent years, but I welcome any contributions from past or active competitors.  If you have something to say, I would love to hear from you.

I cannot promise a great deal of pay for doing any of these things, but it would help to make this non-profit website better and allow us to do more than write questions each week.  If you are interested, please contact me at [email protected].

Good luck in 2019-2020!