Category: International Extemp Page 12 of 56

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of February 15-21, 2021

1. Who will be the next nation to get nuclear weapons?
2. What grade does the Mexican government deserve for its response to the COVID-19 pandemic?
3. Will growing income inequality in China imperil the Communist Party’s future?
4. Should the United Nations declare a famine in Ethiopia’s Tigray region?
5. Can Cuba copy China’s model?
6. Should Russia sever ties with the EU?
7. Who should become the next chief prosecutor at the ICC?
8. What impact will Yoshiro Mori’s resignation have on the Tokyo Olympics?
9. Is a new space race for Mars on the horizon?
10. Why are UN efforts to establish a government in Libya failing?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of February 8-14, 2021

1. What will be the economic fallout of Myanmar’s coup?
2. Should negotiations over the Iranian nuclear accord include Iran’s Middle Eastern neighbors?
3. What role should the WHO play in helping Africa get more COVID-19 vaccines?
4. Will left-wing forces prevail in Latin American elections this year?
5. Is it in South Korea’s geopolitical interest to establish closer ties with Japan?
6. Without American weapons, should Saudi Arabia halt its military actions in Yemen?
7. Should Putin release Navalny?
8. Can Mario Draghi fix what ails Italy?
9. Is AMLO becoming Hugo Chavez 2.0?
10. What should be the African Union’s top priority in 2021?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of February 1-7, 2021

1. If the U.S. keeps its designation of China’s repression of Uighurs as a genocide, how should China react?
2. Will there be an independent Scotland within the next decade?
3. How can Brazil avoid a financial default?
4. Why was the world unable to mount a more unified response to the COVID-19 pandemic?
5. How can the world’s existing nuclear power stop other locations from getting the bomb?
6. Are lockdowns doing irreparable damage to the British economy?
7. How might another round of Palestinian elections turn out?
8. What should the African Union do to resolve the Kenya-Somalia border dispute?
9. How democratic can Abdel Fattah el-Sisi allow Egypt to be?
10. Was 2020 a bad year for Internet freedom?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of January 25-31, 2021

1. How should Vladimir Putin respond to protests to free Alexei Navalny?
2. Will the effects of COVID-19 make China the world’s new superpower?
3. Should Jair Bolsonaro face charges in the Hague over his Amazon policies?
4. Can Afghanistan’s government survive without American support?
5. Is the political hold of Vietnam’s Communist Party weakening?
6. What will be the impact of Russia quitting the Open Skies Treaty?
7. Can Great Britain more effectively fight COVID-19 while outside of the EU?
8. Is growing economist unrest posing a threat to Tunisia’s democracy?
9. Does Mahmoud Abbas need to groom a successor for his role in the Palestinian Authority?
10. Should Australia force Google and other tech firms pay media outlets for their content?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of January 18-24, 2021

1. What can the international community do to lend support to Chinese democratic reform efforts?
2. What economic reforms does Uganda need to take to help young people?
3. Who will be Germany’s next chancellor?
4. Has the world moved on from the “war on terrorism”?
5. Will upcoming Turkish-Greek talks on maritime borders and gas exploration rights bear fruit?
6. Can Boris Johnson’s proposed D10 alliance be an effective counter to China’s rise?
7. If the U.S. rejoins the Iranian nuclear accord, what should Israel do in response?
8. Why is there great mistrust of the Modi government’s farm reform policies?
9. Should Brazil keep subsidizing Ford?
10. How can the UN mobilize global efforts to fight rising food insecurity?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of January 11-17, 2021

1. Should Japan adopt a universal basic income?
2. Will new oil wealth be a blessing or curse for Cambodia?
3. Should Canada invest more in the Arctic?
4. Will the African Continental Free Trade Area bolster the economic fortunes of the continent?
5. Should NATO create its own bank?
6. How will a Biden presidency shape Turkish behavior toward the U.S. and its goals in the Middle East?
7. Should the Central African Republic be wary of Rwandan support for its existing government?
8. Are economic sanctions against North Korea starting to bear fruit?
9. Is Spain’s ruling coalition drifting too far to the left?
10. How can the world’s fisheries be better protected?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of January 4-10, 2021

1. Should Indonesia forge a closer relationship with China?
2. Has the idea of liberal internationalism been a failure?
3. Are the 2021 Israeli elections the end of the line for Benjamin Netanyahu?
4. Venezuela’s plan for a digitized economy: progressive thinking or a disaster waiting to happen?
5. Is Pakistan’s military losing political ground?
6. Should South Korea’s leaders abandon any hopes of reunification with the North?
7. Will Great Britain become an EU member again in the foreseeable future?
8. What caused Argentina’s shift on the abortion question?
9. Will Yoweri Museveni win another term as Uganda’s president?
10. Is Hindu nationalism holding India back?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of December 14-20, 2020

Note: Due to the winter holiday, Extemp Central will not release questions for the next two weeks since the competitive calendar is dormant. New questions will resume on Monday, January 4. We will be spending energy on updating the calendar and results lists over the next several weeks, though, so if there are results we do not have (especially of last year’s state tournaments), please send them to [email protected].  In addition, we are going to be linking content again on our Facebook and Twitter pages, so like Extemp Central on Facebook and follow @extemp on Twitter!

1. Should the world aim to reform the WHO or scrap it and build a completely new international health organization?
2. How can Nicaragua’s opposition win next year’s presidential election?
3. Would Thailand be better off if its monarchy had less power?
4. Do African states need better mining regulations?
5. Why is the Brothers of Italy gaining ground in Italian politics?
6. How can Mexico win its battle against organized crime?
7. Who would be the best mediator of the Afghan peace process?
8. A decade later: Was the Arab Spring a success?
9. Should enlargement be at the core of Europe’s foreign policy?
10. Will Saudi Arabia have a more hostile relationship with a Biden administration than they did with the Trump administration?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of December 7-13, 2020

1. Does global capitalism need a “great reset”?
2. Is OPEC falling apart?
3. Should there be a renegotiation of the Iranian nuclear deal?
4. Did the EU lose Turkey?
5. Does Australia have a China problem?
6. Is the international community becoming toothless on human rights issues?
7. Does India need to make modifications to its agricultural policies?
8. Will the world see a revitalization of “liberal interventionism” during a Biden presidency?
9. Why has Nigeria struggled to wipe out Boko Haram?
10. Does NATO need to formulate a better China policy?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of November 30-December 6, 2020

1. How will Iran respond to the assassination of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh?
2. Are populist forces around the world in retreat?
3. Should Modi’s government pursue more business friendly policies?
4. Will North Korea’s government feel more secure during a Biden administration?
5. Does Peru need constitutional reform?
6. Will Turkey expand Operation Peace Spring before the end of the year?
7. What ails the Brazilian economy?
8. Will Brexit be a positive for Britain’s farmers?
9. Could Ethiopia’s civil war expand to other African states?
10. Will the Sweden Democrats ever be part of a governing coalition?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of November 16-22, 2020

1. Will the RCEP bolster China’s influence in Asia?
2. Is the death of Abu Mohammaed al-Masri a major, long-term blow to al-Qaeda?
3. Will the ceasefire between Azerbaijan and Armenia hold?
4. Are Israeli settlement construction policies counterproductive to its national interests?
5. Is Zambia sliding into economic ruin?
6. Are “proxy presidencies” becoming a problem in Latin America?
7. Why was the BJP able to win India’s recent regional elections?
8. Is France winning its battles against jihadists in the Sahel?
9. Should countries boycott the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics?
10. Are Peruvian efforts to fight corruption floundering?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of November 9-15, 2020

1. Is the era of global free trade over?
2. What steps can Vladimir Putin take to bolster the Russian economy?
3. Is the UN doing enough to coordinate global action on COVID-19?
4. What impact will Pakistan’s decision to grant status to Gilgit-Baltistan have on Indian-Pakistani relations?
5. How can Abiy Ahmed peacefully quell tensions in Ethiopia’s Tigray region?
6. Who should lead Germany after Angela Merkel?
7. Has Myanmar’s NLD been a disappointment?
8. Is China winning the COVID-19 vaccine race?
9. Can Bobi Wine become the next president of Uganda?
10. Does Spain need more devolution?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of November 2-8, 2020

1. Should the G20 extend the African debt moratorium?
2. Do Algeria’s constitutional reforms go far enough?
3. What changes should France make to its security policies in light of the Nice attack?
4. Will new COVID lockdowns do lasting damage to Western European economies?
5. Is Tanzania sliding into a dictatorship?
6. Can Japan become carbon neutral by 2050?
7. Is the Nagorno-Karabakh war exposing deficiencies in Russia’s military?
8. Should Brazil keep its interest rates low?
9. Is the military responsible for Myanmar’s COVID crisis?
10. What will be the geopolitical impact of Sudan’s recognition of Israel?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of October 26-November 1, 2020

1. Will Luis Arce become Evo Morales 2.0?
2. How can Taiwan bolster its defenses against China?
3. Should Arab states avoid an arms race with Iran?
4. How would closer defense cooperation between Turkey and Ukraine affect Turkey’s relationship with Russia?
5. Under what conditions would another Scottish independence referendum be acceptable?
6. Are international sanctions a poor way to influence change?
7. Is Japan an underappreciated global power?
8. Are Mexico’s feminist protests succeeding?
9. Will the COVID-19 pandemic provide a boost to the fortunes of Latin America’s left-wing parties?
10. How is the rise of China changing the world?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of October 19-25, 2020

1. Is China’s outreach to Gulf states working?
2. From the perspective of Vladimir Putin, what is Russia’s biggest strategic problem?
3. Is the liberal international order falling apart?
4. Does the recent murder of a French teacher serve as an indictment of France’s approach toward integrating immigrants into its society?
5. Why did New Zealand voters re-elect Jacinda Ardern in a landslide?
6. Will the end of the UN arms embargo on Iran create more instability in the Middle East?
7. Can Europe economically afford another round of COVID-19 lockdowns?
8. Should Nigeria abolish its Special Anti-Robbery Squad?
9. Will Haitian protests force the resignation of Jovenel Moise?
10. Are Joko’s efforts to fix Indonesia working?

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