Category: International Extemp Page 14 of 56

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of May 11-17, 2020

1. Will a recent failed invasion against Nicolas Maduro further strengthen his hold over Venezuela?
2. Is Argentina headed for another debt default?
3. Will border disputes between India and China grow in the near future?
4. Can Benjamin Netanyahu form a unity government?
5. Is the sharp decline in global oil prices doing major damage to Nigeria’s economy?
6. Should Taiwan be able to attend the recent WHO summit on the coronavirus?
7. Is China waiting too long to create an economic stimulus?
8. How can the European Central Bank keep credit flowing within the common market?
9. Should Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro be given control of the Rio police?
10. Is ISIS once again becoming a threat to Iraq?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of May 4-10, 2020

1. Will protectionism rise as the coronavirus subsides?
2. Is the risk of an escalation of the war in Afghanistan growing?
3. Are Europe’s short-work programs keeping unemployment down during the coronavirus pandemic?
4. Is it in Russia’s best interest to extend the START treaty?
5. What is wrong with Zambia’s economy?
6. Are Khalifa Haftar’s fortunes on the decline in Libya?
7. Is Saudi Arabia’s human rights record improving?
8. How generous should EU aid packages be to fight the coronavirus pandemic?
9. Should Colombia repatriate Venezuelan refugees?
10. Will the coronavirus pandemic help governments fight terrorism?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of April 27-May 3, 2020

1. Has the worst of the global coronavirus outbreak come to pass?
2. Should Malaysia continue to turn away Rohingya refugees?
3. Will the declaration of self-rule by Yemeni separtists destroy the chances of ending Yemen’s civil war?
4. Has Boris Johnson’s government mismanaged Britain’s coronavirus response?
5. Is Jack Ma becoming a threat to China’s communist leadership?
6. Should there be an independent review of the WHO’s response to the coronavirus pandemic?
7. Will governments have to introduce austerity measures once the coronavirus passes?
8. If Kim Jong Un were to die, who would take over North Korea?
9. Can working relationships with Gulf countries bolster India’s power in South Asia?
10. Does Germany need to take a more direct role in leading the European Union?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of April 20-26, 2020

1. Will a coronavirus vaccine ever be developed?
2. Are low global oil prices hurting or helping Saudi Arabia?
3. Will the coronavirus pandemic make China a world leader?
4. Does Mexico need to launch a massive stimulus to stave off economic recession?
5. Are the Rakhine winning their struggle against Myanmar’s government?
6. Have neo-liberal policies done more harm than good for Latin America?
7. Does the coronavirus give Saudi Arabia a face-saving way to end their war in Yemen?
8. Will the global easing of coronavirus restrictions create a second spike?
9. Should Tedros Adhanom resign as the head of the WHO?
10. Will the coronavirus destroy the Asylum Cooperative Agreement between Guatemala and the United States?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of April 13-19, 2020

1. Are global efforts to fix climate change dead?
2. Will the coronavirus pandemic accelerate history or reshape it?
3. How can Latin American countries improve their healthcare systems?
4. Does Cuba’s economy need more privatization?
5. Should Iraq break apart?
6. Is the war in Yemen nearing a close?
7. Should the debts of developing nations be eliminated or suspended during the coronavirus pandemic?
8. Will the coronavirus pandemic shift British politics to the left?
9. Should European governments issue coronabonds?
10. Is Hungary still a democracy?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of April 6-12, 2020

1. Will Xi Jinping’s standing be significantly hindered by the coronavirus?
2. What will be the global implications of a collapse of oil prices?
3. Will Crimea remain part of Russia for the forseeable future?
4. Should international sanctions on Iran be lifted during the coronavirus pandemic?
5. If the Taliban retake Afghanistan will it once again become a haven for terrorists?
6. Can Keir Starmer rescue the British Labour Party?
7. Has the world lost the war on terrorism?
8. Should South Korea pay the U.S. more to host its military forces?
9. Has 2020 become a “lost year” for Saudi Arabia?
10. Are India’s coronavirus measures going too far?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of March 30-April 5, 2020

1. How should the international community react to North Korea’s recent missile launches?
2. Should Twitter bar tweets from the Chinese government?
3. Will Bolsonaro’s dismissal of coronavirus concerns backfire?
4. How can the developing countries reduce their number of traffic deaths?
5. Will global efforts to combat coronavirus hurt the ability of East African nations to receive much needed food aid?
6. How can the world head off a coronavirus depression?
7. Will Gambia’s gambit to save the Rohingya succeed?
8. Can private investors solve Colombia’s drug war?
9. Will the U.S. indictment of Nicholas Maduro prove counterproductive in resolving Venezuela’s political crisis?
10. Is AMLO’s political standing on the decline?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of March 23-29, 2020

1. Will the coronavirus strengthen or weaken the world’s authoritarian states?
2. Is the coronavirus exposing the weaknesses of globalization?
3. Why was South Korea able to effectively combat the coronavirus while other governments failed?
4. Will the world’s developing nations bear the brunt of the coronavirus?
5. Could China be held legally liable in international courts due to its handling of the coronavirus?
6. Is Abiy Ahmed’s crackdown in Oromia putting Ethiopia’s democracy at risk?
7. What work remains for African nations in their battles against HIV/AIDS?
8. Should Poland be expelled from the EU?
9. Which global leader deserves the highest marks for fighting the coronavirus?
10. Should the EU be playing a more robust role in combatting the coronavirus?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of March 16-22, 2020

1. Will Gantz be able to form a government?
2. Should the EU do more to assist Italy as it battles the coronavirus?
3. What reforms need to made to the WHO after the coronavirus passes?
4. How can the world’s economic organizations best head off a global economic recession due to coronavirus?
5. Should the world trust China’s claim to have beaten the coronavirus?
6. Is Argentina going to default on its debts?
7. Should Myanmar seek to limit the power of its military in national politics?
8. Are lower global oil prices a blow to the world’s authoritarians?
9. Is Russia too dependent on Vladimir Putin’s leadership?
10. Should more governments adopt Italian-like measures to stop the spread of the coronavirus?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of March 9-15, 2020

1. What grade does the Italian government deserve for its handling of COVID-19?
2. Will Saudi Arabia’s price cuts force Russia to agree to a new OPEC+ deal?
3. If the Palestinians proposed an alternative Middle East peace plan, what should be the terms of that plan?
4. Will the Taliban follow the terms of its peace deal with the United States?
5. What will Russia’s future look like without Vladimir Putin?
6. Now that Lebanon has defaulted on its debt, what path does it take to create an economic recovery?
7. Will Greece’s recent migrant crisis shift the country further to the political right?
8. Should Quebec repeal its ban on religious symbols?
9. Will growing femicide in Mexico spark major political changes?
10. Is time running out on Netanyahu’s rule?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of March 2-8, 2020

1. Will the spread of the coronavirus cause Western businesses to rethink their economic relationship with China?
2. Is El Salvador backsliding into authoritarianism?
3. Should the UN Security Council endorse the U.S.-Taliban peace deal?
4. Do developed nations need greater migration levels to save their welfare states?
5. Is there a path for Mahathir Mohamad to return to power in Malaysia?
6. Has the EU-Turkish deal on migration broken down?
7. Are West African nations losing their battles against terrorist groups?
8. Should Mexico call off its drug war?
9. How can the Israeli left rebuild itself into an effective political force?
10. Who is to blame for the decline of Egypt’s cotton industry?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of February 24-March 1, 2020

1. Should Great Britain extradite Julian Assange to the United States?
2. Could the coronavirus lead to the cancellation of the Tokyo Olympics?
3. Has the EU failed Libya?
4. What role should Great Britain play in countering China’s geopolitical aims?
5. Should Russia increase its outreach to the Kurds?
6. Are the prospects of an “Asian Century” dwindling?
7. If the Taliban retook control of Afghanistan, would the country be better off than it is today?
8. Is Turkey strengthening its position in the Easter Mediterranean?
9. Should Uruguay embrace austerity measures?
10. Which multi-nation institution is best suited to combat East Africa’s locust outbreak?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of February 18-24, 2020

1. Is AMLO failing to curtail Mexico’s crime problem?
2. Can the ICC convict Omar al-Bashir on genocide charges?
3. Is the Grand Renaissance Dam a major threat to Egypt’s economic future?
4. Should global efforts to curtail the coronavirus focus more on mitigation rather than containment?
5. Can the IMF fix what ails Lebanon’s economy?
6. Should economic sanctions be imposed on Brazil if more aggressive efforts are not made to stop deforestation in the Amazon?
7. Does Justin Trudeau need to play a more active role in resolving the dispute over the Coastal GasLink Pipeline?
8. Is Abbas’ influence in Palestinian affairs shrinking?
9. Does NATO still need Turkey?
10. Can Iran afford to maintain its current rate of military spending?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of February 10-16, 2020

1. Are greater global protections needed for migrant laborers?
2. Can greater regional cooperation prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon?
3. Will Belarus become the next Ukraine?
4. Is the coronavirus outbreak creating a major threat to the Chinese Communist Party’s rule?
5. Does Colombia need more liberal trade rules?
6. Is Joseph Kabila still the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s most powerful political figure?
7. Does the French government need to do more to protect its Jewish population?
8. Will the twenty-first century be the age of global autocracy?
9. Is it time for a united Ireland?
10. Should NATO pivot to Greece as Turkey becomes more wary of the West?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of February 3-9, 2020

1. Is the coronavirus triggering a wave of anti-Chinese sentiment across the world?
2. Was the Arab League justified in rejecting President Trump’s Middle East peace plan?
3. Is dollarization creating even more economic hardship in Venezuela?
4. Would the world be better off without American leadership?
5. Is free speech in Brazil becoming less free?
6. Will the coronavirus do significant damage to China’s economy?
7. After Brexit, who will take Britain’s place in the EU?
8. Could Muqtada al-Sadr fix what ails Iraq?
9. Should European countries re-embrace nuclear energy to get away from a dependence on Russian natural gas?
10. Is India’s economy growing?

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