Category: International Extemp Page 2 of 56

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of April 1-7, 2024

1. What will be needed to bring the Syrian Civil War to a conclusion?
2. Has the international community abandoned Afghan women?
3. Is Pope Francis strengthening or weakening the standing of the Catholic Church?
4. How can Milei build more support for the 2025 Argentinian midterm elections?
5. If Labour wins the British general election, should it attempt to take Britain back into the European Union?
6. Will China’s demographic crunch short circuit its bid for global dominance?
7. Should Great Britain extradite Julian Assange to the United States?
8. Has Myanmar’s junta lost control of its borders?
9. How will Japan’s large public indebtedness affect future monetary policy?
10. Has the UN become too compromised to play a role in the Israeli-Palestinian peace process?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of March 25-31, 2024

1. Is a bubble building in India’s equities markets?
2. How can the West best support democratic efforts in Russia?
3. Has the Palestinian Authority outlived its purpose?
4. What should the Dominican Republic do about the unrest in Haiti?
5. Are concerns about Chinese espionage in Australia overblown?
6. Will Abdelmajid Tebboune win re-election?
7. Was ISIS’ recent attack in Russia a sign of the group’s reviving power or increased desperation?
8. Will other nations follow Canada’s arm exports ban to Israel?
9. Can Corina Yoris mount a successful challenge to Nicolas Maduro?
10. Are global drug decriminalization efforts stalling?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of March 18-24, 2024

1. Should seized Russian assets be donated to the Ukrainian war effort?
2. Will Henry’s resignation further destabilize Haiti?
3. Is Volodymyr Zelenskyy still Ukraine’s best bet for peace?
4. Due to ongoing tensions with Russia, is it wise to the European Union to continue accession talks with Balkan nations?
5. Could Israel survive as a pariah state?
6. Should the EU scrap its mandate to abolish fossil fuel-powered vehicles by 2035?
7. How will Jacob Zuma’s MK Party affect the outcome of South Africa’s elections?
8. Will the Liberal Democrats benefit from internal problems in the British Conservative Party?
9. Have anti-corruption campaigns in Latin America failed?
10. What does Niger’s decision to suspend military cooperation with the United States mean for anti-jihadist efforts in the Sahel?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of March 11-17, 2024

1. What role, if any, should the Palestinian Authority play in post-war Gaza?
2. How should India respond to China’s new strategic partnership with the Maldives?
3. Is Nigeria’s economy too dependent on oil?
4. How will Swedish membership change NATO?
5. Is Milei’s austerity cure killing the patient?
6. Can a joint junta force in West Africa rid the region of its jihadist threat?
7. Why is gang violence becoming a significant national security concern in Haiti?
8. Should Russia put a nuclear weapon in space?
9. Why did the Irish constitutional referendum fail?
10. Will the crypto industry propel a new wave of economic growth across Africa?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of March 4-10, 2024

1. Is India becoming an emerging power player in the Middle East?
2. Would an ANC-EFF coalition be good for the future health of the South African economy?
3. Is China becoming too insular?
4. What should Egypt do if Israel conducts its Rafah offensive?
5. Does the world need a “new globalization”?
6. How should Nigeria handle the Anglophone insurgency?
7. What is to blame for a collapse in support for democracy across the world?
8. Should Ariel Henry step down?
9. Will Britain’s Conservative Party become a vehicle for the far-right after the next British general election?
10. How can Xochitl Galvez win the Mexican presidency?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of February 26-March 3, 2024

1. If Russia were to invade the Baltics, would Western European nations resist?
2. Should the United Nations eliminate vetoes on the Security Council?
3. Is Pakistan heading toward an inevitable default?
4. What will Bukele do with his supermajority?
5. Is the first space war on the horizon?
6. Has Boric sold out the Chilean left?
7. Is Lula interfering too much in Petrobras’ operations?
8. Who should be the next leader of NATO?
9. Did ECOWAS make a smart decision in lifting sanctions on Niger?
10. Will Congo’s M23 rebellion spark a regional war?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of February 19-25, 2024

1. Is Egypt losing influence in the Arab World?
2. What relations should ECOWAS have with its departing members?
3. Has the West lost Africa?
4. Should an international force secure Ukraine’s emergency maritime corridor?
5. Has Russia become a rogue state?
6. Should the Tories jettison Sunak before this year’s general election?
7. To what degree does the new Pakistani government have a mandate?
8. How can China restore investor confidence in its economy?
9. Has the EU’s COVID recovery fund worked?
10. Will Subianto be a good steward of Indonesia’s economy?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of February 12-18, 2024

1. Does Iran have enough control over its proxy forces to prevent a wider conflict with the United States?
2. Can the Mattei Plan successfully enhance Italy’s position in Africa?
3. Should the UNRWA be overhauled?
4. Will the African National Congress lose its majority in this year’s elections?
5. How will the dismissal of Valery Zaluzhny affect the Russo-Ukrainian War?
6. What lessons should Milei learn from the failure of the “Omnibus Bill”?
7. Who will win Indonesia’s presidential election?
8. Do Brazil’s tax reforms go far enough?
9. Should Japan’s LDP move on from Kishida?
10. How can Guyana best deter a Venezuelan invasion

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of February 5-11, 2024

1. How should Mexico transition to cleaner energy sources?
2. What role should Japan play in a future space race?
3. Will corruption scandals bring down Gustavo Petro?
4. What is to blame for Europe’s economic stagnation?
5. Is Palestinian political dysfunction the biggest impediment to the creation of a Palestinian state?
6. Does the European Union need to do more for Ukraine?
7. Can China successfully bend the global order to its will in the next decade?
8. How can Great Britain fix its housing shortage?
9. Will gang violence in Latin America lead to more Bukeles?
10. How much credit does Modi deserve for India’s economic success?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of January 29-February 4, 2024

1. Will the next “hot” theater of global disorder unfold on the Korean Peninsula?
2. How would the return of Donald Trump to the American presidency impact the global economy?
3. Will Western airstrikes strengthen or weaken Yemen’s Houthis?
4. Is Germany’s new set of immigration bills a victory for its immigrant community?
5. What assistance can Western nations provide to help Ecuador win its war against drug cartels?
6. Will France scuttle an EU-Mercosur trade deal?
7. Are the EU’s climate policies leaving European farmers behind?
8. Will the ICJ’s ruling hasten the end of Israel-Hamas War?
9. Who should be Vietnam’s next leader?
10. Will the benefits of AI technology be globally shared?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of January 22-28, 2024

1. What is the biggest implication of growing tensions between Iran and Pakistan?
2. Will instability in Red Sea shipping make global inflation worse?
3. Which of Milei’s reforms would benefit Argentina the most?
4. Will Rishi Sunak’s deportation plan for migrants be enacted?
5. What is currently the biggest risk to global security?
6. Will the formation of a combined Nigerian opposition party wrest power from the APC in 2027?
7. Who is winning Sudan’s civil war?
8. Is there a way for Israel to end its war against Hamas and claim victory without the total annihilation of the group?
9. Should Germany ban the AfD?
10. How would increased defense spending affect the welfare states of Western European nations?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of January 15-21, 2024

1. Does the European Union need an army?
2. Has Brazil effectively handled the aftermath of its January 8, 2023 protests?
3. Does the United Kingdom need to adopt more effective knife control?
4. What impact will the Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance have on German politics?
5. Will Ecuador’s war on gangs create greater migrant flows to North America?
6. Should Iraq push for the removal of U.S. military forces?
7. Which election in 2024 is the most significant for the international community?
8. What impact will the election of Lai Ching-te have on Sino-Taiwanese relations?
9. Is diplomacy a better option for stopping Houthi attacks on Red Sea shipping?
10. What is the right way for the world to regulate AI?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of January 8-14, 2024

1. Is Justin Trudeau serving his last term as Canadian prime minister?
2. What reforms does Britain need to make to its power grid?
3. Will autocratic regimes be able to control AI like they have the Internet?
4. Is the Ethiopia-Somaliland deal a violation of Somalia’s sovereignty?
5. Will the Palestinian Authority govern Gaza after the Israel-Hamas War?
6. Has the Russo-Ukrainian War become a stalemate?
7. How should Iran respond to ISIS’ recent attack on Kerman?
8. Will Tshisekedi’s victory increase tensions between the Democratic Republic of Congo and Rwanda?
9. Should Israel expand its ongoing war to include Hezbollah?
10. Is it in Mexico’s best interest to work with the United States to curb migrant flows?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of January 1-7, 2024

1. Are Xi Jinping’s purges of China’s senior military officers weakening the People’s Liberation Army?
2. What was the biggest global news story of 2023?
3. Is the UNIFIL failing to fulfill its mission in Lebanon?
4. What could long-term disruptions of shipping in the Red Sea do to the Egyptian economy?
5. Has Israel mismanaged its war against Hamas?
6. Will Germany’s coalition government survive 2024?
7. What strategic pivots should Ukraine make in its war with Russia?
8. Will the Democratic Republic of Congo’s recent presidential election worsen the country’s instability?
9. What should Chile do after the rejection of a second constitutional draft?
10. Has World War III already begun?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of December 11-17, 2023

Note:  These will be the last questions for two weeks due to the winter holiday.  New questions will be posted on January 1, 2024.

1. Should debt relief be leveraged for renewable energy investment in African nations?
2. What should Brazil do if Venezuela seizes the Essequibo with military force?
3. Should a new international institution be created to replace the United Nations?
4. What does the Indian National Congress need to do to win back power?
5. How would the formation of an OPEC for nickel affect the global economy?
6. Will Ukraine’s military effort against Russia collapse without U.S. aid?
7. Has China become the new “honest broker” in the Middle East?
8. Will Milei be able to translate his rhetoric about the Argentinian economy into bold action?
9. Should Guatemala re-run its presidential election?
10. Will Azerbaijan’s territorial revisionism stop at Nagorno-Karabakh?

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