Category: International Extemp Page 3 of 56

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of January 1-7, 2024

1. Are Xi Jinping’s purges of China’s senior military officers weakening the People’s Liberation Army?
2. What was the biggest global news story of 2023?
3. Is the UNIFIL failing to fulfill its mission in Lebanon?
4. What could long-term disruptions of shipping in the Red Sea do to the Egyptian economy?
5. Has Israel mismanaged its war against Hamas?
6. Will Germany’s coalition government survive 2024?
7. What strategic pivots should Ukraine make in its war with Russia?
8. Will the Democratic Republic of Congo’s recent presidential election worsen the country’s instability?
9. What should Chile do after the rejection of a second constitutional draft?
10. Has World War III already begun?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of December 11-17, 2023

Note:  These will be the last questions for two weeks due to the winter holiday.  New questions will be posted on January 1, 2024.

1. Should debt relief be leveraged for renewable energy investment in African nations?
2. What should Brazil do if Venezuela seizes the Essequibo with military force?
3. Should a new international institution be created to replace the United Nations?
4. What does the Indian National Congress need to do to win back power?
5. How would the formation of an OPEC for nickel affect the global economy?
6. Will Ukraine’s military effort against Russia collapse without U.S. aid?
7. Has China become the new “honest broker” in the Middle East?
8. Will Milei be able to translate his rhetoric about the Argentinian economy into bold action?
9. Should Guatemala re-run its presidential election?
10. Will Azerbaijan’s territorial revisionism stop at Nagorno-Karabakh?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of December 4-10, 2023

1. What does Xi Jinping need to do to stop capital flight?
2. Should Nigeria embrace greater environmental protections as an anti-poverty measure?
3. Is al-Qaeda on the verge of a comeback?
4. Should India cease its cooperation with Myanmar’s junta?
5. How should Lula handle Milei?
6. In light of growing white lung syndrome cases globally, should China be expelled from the WHO?
7. Would a large-scale war against Israel mean the end of Iran’s Islamic Republic?
8. How should Britain’s Tories handle the Reform UK threat?
9. Does AUKUS have the potential to be a more important security arrangement than NATO?
10. How can Belarusian citizens best oppose their autocratic government?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of November 27-December 3, 2023

1. Who will win Taiwan’s presidential election?
2. Will Geer Wilders be the next Dutch prime minister?
3. Can Argentina really move from the peso to the dollar?
4. Should the British government call for an early election?
5. Will Israel have to occupy Gaza when its war with Hamas is finished?
6. What would be the geopolitical impacts of a Western abandonment of Ukraine?
7. Does Mercosur have a future?
8. Will the Essequibo lead to war between Venezuela and Guyana?
9. Has the EU undermined Spain’s territorial integrity?
10. Will the next military coup in Africa take place in Chad?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of November 20-26, 2023

1. Should Russia hold international agreements hostage to get a solution to its favor in Ukraine?
2. Has Saudi Arabia lost control of the global oil market?
3. Would political turnover in Israel help or hinder its war against Hamas?
4. Who will be the next prime minister of the Netherlands?
5. Is the UN failing the peoples of Sudan?
6. Why did Liberian President George Weah lose his re-election bid?
7. Is David Cameron return to the British cabinet a sign of the Conservative Party’s strength or weakness?
8. What steps should Sweden take to tackle growing gang violence?
9. Will Kenya ever deploy its police force to Haiti?
10. Should Costa Rica reduce its welfare state?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of November 13-19, 2023

1. Is the West ignoring Azerbaijan’s takeover of Nagorno-Karabakh at its peril?
2. What is the appropriate role for the UN in an increasingly hostile geopolitical climate?
3. Would the fragmentation of Myanmar be in China’s national interest?
4. How should Ozgur Ozel reorganize Turkey’s political opposition forces?
5. Is Ethiopia preparing for a new war against Eritrea?
6. Will Israel exit its war with Hamas in a weaker international position?
7. Is the rise of pervasive artificial intelligence a threat to democracy?
8. Should Italy adopt Meloni’s electoral reforms?
9. Is the French far-left falling out of the political mainstream?
10. Will the end of U.S. sanctions against Venezuela’s economy help Maduro stay in power beyond 2024?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of November 6-12, 2023

1. Are Israel’s demands for a Gaza ceasefire unreasonable?
2. Will anti-government protests in Bangladesh force the creation of a caretaker government?
3. Have Germany’s anti-Nazi laws failed to achieve their purpose?
4. Will Imran Khan’s forces win the next Pakistani general election?
5. After its recent counteroffensive, should the Ukrainian government sue for peace?
6. Are women’s rights backsliding in China?
7. Is the world economy headed for a sudden fall?
8. How will the Taliban crackdown on opium cultivation affect the global drug trade?
9. Is global cooperation on AI regulations achieveable in the long run?
10. Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey: Who is best situated to negotiate a peace between Israel and Hamas?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of October 30-November 5, 2023

1. Who will win the Argentinian presidential runoff?
2. Should an international coalition fight Hamas?
3. How much of a threat does Marine Le Pen pose to the European Union?
4. Can Hezbollah politically afford to aid Hamas in its war with Israel?
5. Would it be in China’s best interest to have President Biden win re-election next year?
6. How will Africa’s younger population affect geopolitics in the next 50 years?
7. Has the EAC’s military mission in Eastern Congo been a failure?
8. Are global sanctions on Russia working?
9. Will Venezuela’s opposition parties be able to oust Nicholas Maduro?
10. How much longer will the Russo-Ukrainian War last?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of October 23-29, 2023

1. Will Venezuela’s election deal allow for a fair presidential race in 2024?
2. How can Donald Tusk keep Poland’s liberal coalition together?
3. Will real estate become a significant drag on China’s economy over the next five years?
4. How can governments reduce the impact of anti-carbon policies on working people?
5. Has containment of North Korea’s nuclear program ended?
6. Should Spain amnesty Catalan separatists?
7. Can Israel destroy Hamas?
8. Should South Africa modify its Black Economic Empowerment policy?
9. Will Israel’s war against Hamas jeopardize Saudi plans for wider global investments outside of the energy sector?
10. Are India’s relations with Pakistan getting worse?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of October 16-22, 2023

1. Have Hamas’ attacks on Israel closed the door on an Israeli peace deal with Saudi Arabia?
2. How should German conservatives deal with the AfD?
3. In the aftermath of Hamas’ attacks, is Netanyahu’s government on borrowed time?
4. Can the winner of Ecuador’s presidential election substantially improve the nation’s security?
5. Should Rwanda become Africa’s policeman?
6. How should Asian nations handle their ageing crises?
7. What should NATO do if Russia pulls out of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty?
8. Has global support for Ukraine peaked?
9. Why did Australian voters reject the indigenous ‘voice’ referendum?
10. Will Pakistan’s expulsion of Afghan refugees worsen its relationship with Afghanistan’s Taliban government?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of October 9-15, 2023

1. Should Ukraine hold a wartime presidential election?
2. Will Hamas’ attack on Israel create a wider conflict in the Middle East?
3. Is el-Sisi making a mistake seeking another presidential term?
4. Will Mexico win its lawsuit against American gun manufacturers?
5. Have Trudeau’s accusations against India backfired?
6. Will the world’s major nuclear powers resume testing within the next five years?
7. Is the global economy becoming less free?
8. Will Kenya’s security mission in Haiti succeed?
9. Are Italy’s existing spending plans unsustainable?
10. What is the biggest threat to democracies across the globe?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of October 2-8, 2023

1. Is global security at a tipping point?
2. How will the recent Libyan floods affect its political situation?
3. What economic reforms does Egypt need?
4. Does the West need to demand more accountability for the money they are putting into the Ukrainian war effort?
5. Will Azerbaijan’s takeover of Nagorno-Karabakh topple Armenia’s government?
6. Should British Conservatives keep Rishi Sunak as their leader?
7. How can Justin Trudeau win a fourth consecutive term?
8. Is Serbia gearing up for a war with Kosovo?
9. Should Thailand change its lese-majeste laws?
10. Has Xi Jinping meddled too much in China’s economy?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of September 25-October 1, 2023

1. How would a renewed war between Armenia and Azerbaijan affect the Russo-Ukrainian War?
2. Should Great Britain’s neighbors welcome a change at 10 Downing Street?
3. Would India benefit from a more centralized government?
4. How quickly could Saudi Arabia get a nuclear weapon if Iran was similarly armed?
5. What would a Claudia Sheinbaum presidency mean for Mexico’s energy sector?
6. Would the UN be more effective in there were no vetoes on its Security Council?
7. Will Egypt’s relations with the U.S. be harmed by the indictment of Senator Robert Menendez?
8. Would a longer war in Ukraine make Russia’s armed forces more effective?
9. Is the international community on the cusp of winning the global fight against AIDS?
10. How could increased tensions between Canada and India affect the Sikh independence movement?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of September 18-24, 2023

1. Are the European Union’s renewable energy targets too ambitious?
2. What will Iran spend the money from its prisoner exchange with the U.S. on?
3. Does Argentina need to default?
4. How can developing nations best flex their muscle on the global stage?
5. Should France aid possible ECOWAS military action against Niger?
6. How can the European Union’s leadership best deal with the populist right?
7. Is Israel trying to establish permanent control of the West Bank?
8. Are international institutions indirectly empowering autocratic nations at the expense of democratic ones?
9. Does Bosnia and Herzegovina need a new constitution?
10. Is the Washington Consensus dead?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of September 11-17, 2023

1. Is Saudi Arabia trying to influence the 2024 U.S. presidential election with its oil production cuts?
2. How can ASEAN get Myanmar to implement the 2021 5-point peace plan?
3. Is a nuclear war the inevitable outcome of the Russo-Ukrainian War?
4. To what degree should Saudi Arabia take into account Palestinian demands in its negotiations for a peace accord with Israel?
5. Should Africa receive more climate change aid?
6. Does Argentina need a dose of libertarian economics?
7. Is it alarming that Xi Jinping is skipping the G20?
8. How much power do religious conservatives have in Iran’s government?
9. Should the EU scrap its rotating presidency?
10. How will the Basra-Chalamja connection project affect Middle East politics?

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