Category: National Points Race Page 3 of 7

2021-2022 Extemp Central National Points Race: New Standings Released to Reflect Harvard and the California Invitational!

Updated standings for the 2021-2022 Extemp Central National Points Race have been posted!  You can find them by clicking on the “National Points Race” tab at the top of the page or by clicking here.

The new standings reflect the results of last weekend’s Harvard National Forensics Tournament and the California Invitational.  Harvard’s winner, Marc Zavarro of Western High School (FL), earned 150 points for his win, while Thomas Vandenberg of Flintridge Preparatory School (CA) earned 100 points for winning the California Invitational.

Extemp Central had also planned on counting the Marshall Mini-Spectacular since the Marshall Speech Spectacular was typically a big Midwestern event.  However, only four extempers competed at the Mini-Spectacular last weekend so Extemp Central made the executive decision not to count it in this year’s standings.

Next weekend will kick off the postseason phase of the national circuit as the Montgomery Bell Academy Extemp Round Robin will take place in Nashville, Tennessee.  Seven of the top ten competitors in the National Points Race will suit up and compete in an event that could produce more shifts in the standings.

2021-2022 Extemp Central National Points Race: New Standings Released to Reflect the Palm Classic!

Updated standings for the 2021-2022 Extemp Central National Points Race have been posted!  You can find them by clicking on the “National Points Race” tab at the top of the page or by clicking here.

The new standings reflect the results of last weekend’s Palm Classic, a tournament that substituted for this year’s Stanford Invitational, which was cancelled.  It was a fifth tier event, giving its International Extemp winner, William Chien of the Harker School (CA), and United States Extemp winner, Swadesh Sistla of Modern Brain (CA), forty points.  The top six extempers in each extemp category received National Points Race points.

This weekend there will be a trifecta of National Points Race events.  Harvard will award the most points as it is a second tier event that will give 150 points to its winner and give points to all extempers that reach octo-finals.  The other two will be the California Invitational, a third tier event awarding 100 points to its champion and credit to all quarter-finalists, and the Marshall Speech Mini-Spectacular, a fifth tier event that will give 40 points to its winner and points to all other finalists.  These will be the last regular season tournaments until the circuit post-season begins.

2021-2022 Extemp Central National Points Race: New Standings Released to Reflect the Barkley Forum!

Updated standings for the 2021-2022 Extemp Central National Points Race have been posted!  You can find them by clicking on the “National Points Race” tab at the top of the page or by clicking here.

The new standings reflect the results of last weekend’s Barkley Forum, which was a fourth tier event in the National Points Race.  The winner, Daniel Kind of Lake Highland Preparatory (FL), received 70 points and all extempers who reached the semi-finals earned points as well.

The next National Points Race tournament was going to be at Stanford in two weeks, but unfortunately Stanford University cancelled their event.  In three weeks there will be a trifecta of National Points Race events.  Harvard will award the most points as it is a second tier event that will give 150 points to its winner and give points to all extempers that reach octo-finals.  The other two will be the California Invitational, a third tier event awarding 100 points to its champion and credit to all quarter-finalists, and the Marshall Speech Mini-Spectacular, a fifth tier event that will give 40 points to its winner and points to all other finalists.  These will be the last regular season tournaments until the circuit post-season begins.

2021-2022 Extemp Central National Points Race: New Standings Released to Reflect the James Logan MLK Invitational!

Updated standings for the 2021-2022 Extemp Central National Points Race have been posted!  You can find them by clicking on the “National Points Race” tab at the top of the page or by clicking here.

The new standings reflect the results of last weekend’s James Logan MLK Invitational tournament, which was a fifth tier event in the National Points Race.  Extempers who placed in the top six of International Extemp and United States Extemp earned points and if an extemper reached both finals, they were credited with their top finish.

The next National Points Race event will take place in two weeks as Emory University plays host to the Barkley Forum.  This will be a fourth tier event that will award seventy points to its champion and award points to all of the extempers that reach semi-finals.

2021-2022 Extemp Central National Points Race: New Standings Released to Reflect the Sunvitational!

Updated standings for the 2021-2022 Extemp Central National Points Race have been posted!  You can find them by clicking on the “National Points Race” tab at the top of the page or by clicking here.

The new standings reflect the results of last weekend’s Sunvitational tournament, which was a fourth tier event in the National Points Race.  Extempers who made the semi-final round and beyond earned points in the standings.

The next National Points Race event will take place this weekend at the James Logan MLK Invitational, a fifth tier event that will award forty points to the winners of United States and International Extemp.

2021-2022 Extemp Central National Points Race: New Standings Released to Reflect the George Mason University Patriot Games & University of Texas Longhorn Classic!

Updated standings for the 2021-2022 Extemp Central National Points Race have been posted!  You can find them by clicking on the “National Points Race” tab at the top of the page or by clicking here.

The new standings reflect the results of the George Mason University Patriot Games, a third tier event, and the University of Texas Longhorn Classic, a fourth tier event.

These standings are the final ones for first semester and the National Points Race will resume at the Sunvitational in early January.

2021-2022 Extemp Central National Points Race: New Standings Released to Reflect the Glenbrooks!

Updated standings for the 2021-2022 Extemp Central National Points Race have been posted!  You can find them by clicking on the “National Points Race” tab at the top of the page or by clicking here.

The new standings reflect the results of the Glenbrooks, the season’s first third tier event.  Next week will feature two National Points Race competitions, the last of the first semester.  These will be the George Mason Patriot Games and the University of Texas Longhorn Classic.  George Mason will be an asynchronous event and a third tier tournament while the Longhorn Classic will be a fourth tier event occurring in person.

2021-2022 Extemp Central National Points Race: New Standings Released to Reflect the Florida Blue Key!

Updated standings for the 2021-2022 Extemp Central National Points Race have been posted!  You can find them by clicking on the “National Points Race” tab at the top of the page or by clicking here.

The new standings reflect the results of the Florida Blue Key, which was a fifth tier event.  The next National Points Race competition will take place in a little over two weeks at the Glenbrooks, which will be the first third tier tournament of the season.

2021-2022 Extemp Central National Points Race: New Standings Released to Reflect the New York City Invitational!

Updated standings for the 2021-2022 Extemp Central National Points Race have been posted!  You can find them by clicking on the “National Points Race” tab at the top of the page or by clicking here.

The new standings reflect the results of the New York City Invitational, which was a fifth tier event.  The next National Points Race competition will take place in a few weeks at the Florida Blue Key, another fifth tier competition that will award forty points to the winner.

2021-2022 Extemp Central National Points Race: New Standings Released!

Updated standings for the 2021-2022 Extemp Central National Points Race have been posted!  You can find them by clicking on the “National Points Race” tab at the top of the page or by clicking here.

The new standings reflect the results of the Yale Invitational, which was a fourth tier event.  The next National Points Race competition will take place in a few weeks at the New York City Invitational, a fifth tier competition.

2021-2022 Extemp Central National Points Race: First Standings Released!

The first standings of the 2021-2022 Extemp Central National Points Race have been posted.  You can find them by clicking on the “National Points Race” tab at the top of the page or by clicking here.

These early standings mirror the results of the Speech and Debate Season Opener Hosted by the University of Kentucky.  This weekend’s competition at Yale University, a fourth tier tournament that will award points to all finalists and semi-finalists, promises to shake things up.

2021-2022 Extemp Central National Points Race: Discussing This Year’s Structure

With the national circuit season about to begin at the National Season Opener hosted by the University of Kentucky, Extemp Central wants to break down the structure of this year’s National Points Race.

The National Points was a competition that Extemp Central began during the 2008-2009 season.  It was inspired by the poker magazine Card Player.  The goal is to recognize the extemper that performed the best across a system of nationally recognized events during the season.  We recognize that any ranking system is problematic as some great extempers belong to teams that do not go to many, if any, national circuit competitions.  The National Points Race tries to weigh some of this by ranking post-season and major tournaments higher than regular season events, with the exception of Harvard, the biggest invitational tournament on the calendar.  The winner of the competition receives a trophy from Extemp Central, funded by the efforts of our generous readers and supporters.

Six extempers have won the National Points Race and curiously, no state has had a repeat winner.  Due to some interruptions of our service, we have not done the National Points Race since 2016, when it was won by Justin Graham of Trinity Preparatory School (FL).  Graham finished that season with a record 876 points in the standings.  We look forward to resuming the race this season.

2015-2016 Extemp Central National Points Race Structure


pointsraceheader-01The National Points Race is a season-long competition that seeks to identify the top extempers across a select group of prestigious national circuit events.  Extemp Central recognizes that in some years the top extemper in the nation may not win the National Points Race due to the inability of some competitors to travel extensively.  Still, four national champions are among the five previous National Points Race winners.

2014-2015 National Points Race: How Friday’s Finals Will Determine This Year’s Winner


pointsraceheader-01Heading into Friday morning’s final rounds, three competitors remain alive in the 2014-2015 National Points Race competition:  Justin Graham of Trinity Preparatory School (FL), Brian Anderson of LaRue County High School (KY), and Josh Wartel of Lake Braddock Secondary School (VA).    Graham and Anderson will be competing in the International Extemp final, while Wartel will be competing in the United States Extemp final.

In this article, what I have attempted to do is to lay out how many points reach competitor could earn based on certain finishes at the tournament and then explain scenarios that would allow each competitor to win the National Points Race.  For Wartel, he can only position himself to win the National Points Race by finishing first or second in U.S. Extemp so those are the only placings listed for him.  By each placing, the number of total National Points Race points a competitor would have at the end of the tournament based on that placing is shown by the placing number.  For example, if Justin Graham were to finish first in IX then he would have a cumulative season total of 762 points.  Since the winner of the IX final round will receive fifty points and the final round winner of USX will receive forty points, the number in parenthesis by the number of total points a competitor might earn by placing at a certain position is how many points that person would earn if they also won the final round.  So for example, if Josh Wartel finishes first in U.S. Extemp and wins the final round he would have 639 points for the entire season.  Although calculations are included for final round victories if a competitor places fourth, fifth, or sixth, it is highly unlikely that with the NSDA’s current setup of the final round counting for 25% of a competitor’s elimination round score that someone would win the final round and place that low.  Still, it is included just in case something unpredictable happens.

There is one scenario that could produce a mathematical tie between Graham and Anderson.  In the National Points Race, ties are broken with the following criteria (in order of importance):  number of wins, number of top three finishes at National Points Race competitions, and number of National Points Race final rounds.  If all of this fails to break a tie, then co-champions are declared.

So here are the possible combinations of points that each of the three competitors could earn in their respective final rounds:

2014-2015 Extemp Central National Points Race: How St. Mark’s Results Will Be Calculated

st. marksStarting tomorrow, the St. Mark’s Heart of Texas Invitational will take place in Dallas, Texas.  The tournament is unique in that it allows extempers to do both United States and International extemp.  The St. Mark’s Heart of Texas Invitational is a fifth tier tournament and is the third tournament of the year in the Extemp Central National Points Race.

To award points at this event, Extemp Central will combine extempers performance in both parts of the tournament in US and International extemp.  For each part of the tournament extempers will receive points based on their finish.  The points they can receive are as follows:

1st place = 1 pt.
2nd place = 3 pts.
3rd place = 5 pts.
4th place = 7 pts.
5th place = 9 pts.
6th place = 10 pts.
Semi-Finalist = 15 pts.
Quarter-Finalist = 25 pts.
Non-Break = 35 pts.

The top six extempers with the lowest total of points will be awarded the 1st-6th National Points Race fifth pier points.  This will prevent a double counting of St. Mark’s.  Extemp Central encourages anyone attending the tournament to send us information on finalists and final placings so that we can recognize those individuals in a timely manner.

Extemp Central wishes everyone competing at St. Mark’s this weekend good luck.

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