California’s Budget Crisis: Greece is the Word from the Economist

Financial Overhaul Bill Poses Big Test for Lobbyists from the New York Times

Taming debt? It’s easy. Until you try from the Christian Science Monitor

Banker knives out for House-Senate reform panel from Reuters

Financial-Bill Playbook: Don’t Mess Around from the Wall Street Journal

Obama administration officials to prod China anew on currency from the Kansas City Star

Why Big Banks Fear Senate Bill’s Lincoln Amendment from the Wall Street Journal

U.S. pleas unlikely to sway China in high-level talks from the Los Angeles Times

GM reports positive first quarter, IPO hopes from the San Francisco Chronicle

Padded Pensions Add to New York Fiscal Woes from the New York Times

Financial reform bill 101: How it boosts Wall Street oversight from the Christian Science Monitor

The Recovery of General Motors: The medicine starts to work from the Economist

Perks unchecked for some Wall Street CEOs from the Washington Post

SEIU picks Mary Kay Henry as president from the Los Angeles Times