Here are the answers for this week’s Extemp Central news quiz.  We hope you did well!

1.  Two Congressional candidates in this state went on a hunger strike because the incumbent candidate they are facing this November will not debate them until late October.
a.  Minnesota
b.  California
c.  Pennsylvania
d.  Florida

2.  Which of the following nations was NOT invited for a Middle East peace summit on September 2nd?
a.  Israel
b.  Egypt
c.  Jordan
d.  Saudi Arabia

3.  This former leading Republican threatened lawmakers with challenges fromthe tea party if they did not sign Paul Ryan’s balanced budget plan.
a.  Bill Frist
b.  Dennis Hastert
c.  Dick Armey
d.  Newt Gingrich

4.  A ship from this country was supposed to depart to break the Gaza blockade but postponed its departure.
a.  Lebanon
b.  Iran
c.  Turkey
d.  Saudi Arabia

5.  Which of the following has NOT been mentioned by Rod Blagojevich as a possible witness if he is brought to trial a second time?
a.  Harry Reid
b.  Barack Obama (although after we made this an answer on Monday, Blagojevich proceeded to come out and mention Obama’s name so we apologize for the bad question)
c.  Rahm Emanuel
d.  Jesse Jackson Jr.

6.  A salmonella outbreak has caused half a billion of these to be recalled.
a.  Sausage links
b.  Chicken parts
c.  Hamburger patties
d.  Eggs

7.  Who is the new Israeli Defense Forces chief of staff?
a.  Gabi Ashkenazi
b.  Yoav Galant
c.  Gadi Eizenkot
d.  Ehud Barak

8.  The WHO called for monitoring of NDM-1 after it spread from South Asia to this nation.
a.  Italy
b.  Great Britain
c.  China
d.  Brazil

9.  This city has attracted national scrutiny for requiring bloggers to pay a $300 business licensing fee.
a.  Los Angeles
b.  Philadelphia
c.  New York City
d.  Chicago

10.  Which party won more seats in the Australian parliamentary elections?
a.  Nativist Party
b.  Independent Party
c.  Labor Party
d.  Liberal Party