Here are the answers for this week’s Extemp Central news quiz.  Although there will not be any new extemp questions until after New Year’s Day, the quizzes will keep rolling so check back next week!
1. This company is pushing to have its stores placed in New York City.
a. Wal-Mart
b. Office Depot
c. Lowes
d. Walgreens

2. Senator Evan Bayh said that he would not run for this Indiana office in 2012.
a. Secretary of State
b. Attorney General
c. State Treasurer
d. Governor

3. This senator filibustered President Obama’s tax deal with Republicans last week.
a. Harry Reid
b. Charles Schumer
c. Bernie Sanders
d. John Kerry

4. This country may ban Terry Jones from visiting. Jones wanted to burn Qur’ans on the anniversary of 9/11.
a. Morocco
b. Great Britain
c. Saudi Arabia
d. Spain

5. This presidential hopeful visited Haiti over the weekend.
a. Ron Paul
b. Sarah Palin
c. Mitt Romney
d. Mike Huckabee

6. Workers in this industry clashed with police in Bangladesh over the weekend. The workers were demanding the implementation of a new minimum wage.
a. Call center
b. Auto
c. Textile
d. Steel

7. This nation held its first parliamentary elections on Sunday.
a. Transniestria
b. Moldova
c. Uzbekistan
d. Kosovo

8. This Latin American nation recently lowered the nation’s retirement age to 58.
a. Peru
b. Chile
c. Bolivia
d. Nicaragua

9. Al-Qaeda has claimed responsibility for a suicide attack in this European nation over the weekend.
a. France
b. Germany
c. The Netherlands
d. Sweden

10. This NFL team had to move their game to Detroit after their stadium collapsed because of a snowstorm last weekend.
a. St. Louis Rams
b. Minnesota Vikings
c. Indianapolis Colts
d. Dallas Cowboys