Here are the answers to this week’s Extemp Central news quiz.

1. This U.S. airline filed for bankruptcy last week.

a. Delta Airlines

b. American Airlines

c. U.S. Airlines

d. Southwest Airlines

2. NASA is preparing a mission NASA to find life on this planet.

a. Mercury

b. Venus

c. Mars

d. Jupiter

3. How many hurricanes hit the United States mainland this year?

a. Zero

b. One

c. Two

d. Three

4. What is the practice of rearranging geographical boundaries so that politicians do not have to worry about re-election?

a. Secure seating

b. Gerrymandering

c. Realpolitik

d. Politicography

5. This GOP presidential candidate has suspended their campaign.

a. Rick Santorum

b. Ron Paul

c. Michelle Bachmann

d. Herman Cain

6. LSU and this team will play for the BCS national championship next month.

a. Oklahoma State

b. Clemson

c. Wisconsin

d. Alabama

7. How did Vladimir Putin’s United Russia party fair in recent elections?

a. They retained nearly all of their seats in the Duma, but made no significant gains

b. They won less than half of the votes that were cast

c. They won a larger share of the vote than they had in previous elections

d. They won control of the Duma for the first time in ten years

8. This party won the most votes in the first round of Egypt’s parliamentary elections.

a. The Egyptian Bloc

b. The Coptic Christian Party

c. The Freedom and Justice Party

d. The Salafi al-Nour Party

9. This country ousted its ruling conservatives in elections that were held on Sunday.

a. Macedonia

b. Croatia

c. Serbia

d. Austria

10. Australia’s Labor Party recently ended a ban on uranium exports to this country.

a. Pakistan

b. India

c. Venezuela

d. China