Here are the answers to this week’s Extemp Central news quiz.  Good luck!

1. A court recent found that this oil giant liable for environmental damages in Ecuador and has ordered it to pay $9 billion in restitution.
a. Shell
b. Chevron
c. Total
d. BP

2. A study by this university is making the controversial claim that everyone may not need a college degree.
a. Cornell
b. George Mason
c. Minnesota
d. Harvard

3. Iran is sending two naval ships through the Suez Canal, which it hasn’t done since the Islamic revolution, which occurred in what year?
a. 1957
b. 1979
c. 1986
d. 1993

4. This state is poised to pass a bill that will allow students and teachers to carry concealed weapons on campus.
a. Colorado
b. Arizona
c. Texas
d. Virginia

5. This former U.S. president won Gallup’s “greatest president poll” last week.
a. Ronald Reagan
b. Harry Truman
c. Abraham Lincoln
d. Bill Clinton

6. Germany’s governing CDU suffered its worst post-war election result in this city over the weekend.
a. Munich
b. Berlin
c. Hamburg
d. Dresden

7. The leader of which country became the first foreign leader to visit Egypt since the downfall of Hosni Mubarak?
a. Russia
b. Israel
c. Great Britain
d. Iran

8. Yemen’s President Ali Abdullah Saleh compared the protested plauging his country with what disease?
a. The bubonic plague
b. Influenza
c. Smallpox
d. Leprosy

9. Who is the governor of Wisconsin?
a. John Kasich
b. Rick Scott
c. Sean Parnell
d. Scott Walker

10. The attempted people’s revolution in China over the weekend was known by what name?
a. The rose revolution
b. The velvet revolution
c. The jasmine revolution
d. The green revolution