Here are the answers to this week’s news quiz.

1. Pakistan recently destroyed a compound that belonged to this well known figure.
a. Khalid Sheikh Muhammed
b. Osama bin Laden
c. Pervez Musharraf
d. Benazir Bhutto

2. Rick Santroum’s statements on this issue have caused his poll numbers to fall over the last week.
a. The use of the death penalty
b. The role of the separation of church and state
c. President Obama’s handling of the economy
d. The course of the war on terrorism

3. The former prime minister of this country was acquitted on bribery charges last week.
a. Poland
b. Portugal
c. Germany
d. Italy

4. Two reporters died in this country last week after covering some of the recent violence there.
a. South Africa
b. Syria
c. Afghanistan
d. Senegal

5. Colombia’s FARC has said that it is abandoning this tactic.
a. Smuggling drugs like cocaine for revenue
b. Using suicide bombings
c. Assassinating political leaders
d. Kidnapping for ransom

6. Surveillance of Muslim students by this city’s policy force has sparked controversy.
a. Detroit
b. New York
c. Boston
d. Los Angeles

7. This GOP presidential contender claimed that President Obama “surrendered” in Afghanistan by apologizing for the burning of Qurans there.
a. Newt Gingrich
b. Rick Santorum
c. Mitt Romney
d. Ron Paul

8. The most recent GOP presidential debate was held in this state.
a. Kentucky
b. Ohio
c. Michigan
d. Arizona

9. Which of the following countries is not a top three oil supplier to the United States?
a. Russia
b. Canada
c. Saudi Arabia
d. Mexico

10. This person is the oldest American that has been in space.
a. John Glenn
b. Neil Armstrong
c. Buzz Aldrin
d. Alan Shepard