Here are answers for this week’s version of the Extemp Central news quiz.

1. This state’s Supreme Court will rule soon concerning wehether an English proficient test is sufficient to run for public office.
a. Texas
b. Arizona
c. New Mexico
d. Nevada

2. What is the new U.S. unemployment rate?
a. 8%
b. 8.1%
c. 8.2%
d. 8.3%

3. Britain has found itself embroiled in a new diplomatic clash with Argentina over this possession.
a. Falkland Islands
b. Galapagos Islands
c. Easter Island
d. Devil’s Island

4. This country is in a standoff with the United States by putting 19 Americans on trial for using foreign funds to create unrest.
a. Jordan
b. Syria
c. Egypt
d. Saudi Arabia

5. This company went public with an IPO last week.
a. Facebook
b. Twitter
c. Google
d. MySpace

6. Which countries vetoed a UN resolution over the weekend concerning Syria?
a. Russia and Great Britain
b. China and France
c. Russia and China
d. Great Britain and France

7. There was a soccer riot in this country this week.
a. Saudi Arabia
b. Oman
c. Turkey
d. Egypt

8. This president made the study of black history encompass an entire month instead of a week.
a. John F. Kennedy
b. Lyndon B. Johnson
c. Richard Nixon
d. Gerald Ford

9. The Ivory Coast is the world’s biggest producer of this agricultural good. They have been criticized for using child labor to harvest it.
a. Cocao
b. Tobacco
c. Bananas
d. Rice

10. Which GOP presidential candidate won the Nevada caucuses?
a. Newt Gingrich
b. Ron Paul
c. Mitt Romney
d. Rick Santorum

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