Here are the answers to this week’s Extemp Central news quiz.

1.  This political figure triggered a debate last week by talking about their children during a discussion about obesity.
a.  Mitch McConnell
b.  Nancy Pelosi
c.  Scott Brown
d.  Michelle Obama

2.  What was the official U.S. unemployment rate for January?
a.  9.2%
b.  9.7%
c.  10%
d.  10.5%

3.  This news network is laying off staff and is making their anchor take a pay cut.
a.  NBC
b.  CBS
c.  ABC
d.  FOX

4.  In response to rising trade tensions, China plans to levy anti-dumping duties on what U.S. product?
a.  semiconductors
b.  steel
c.  chicken parts
d.  tires

5.  Due to fallouts over Greek debt, this European nation last week saw a five percent drop in their stock market and bond yields rise over concerns that its public finances are not in order.
a.  Portugal
b.  Spain
c.  Italy
d.  Poland

6.  Google is reported to have enlisted the services of this governmental organization to thwart cyberattacks.
a.  Defense Department
b.  National Security Agency
c.  Federal Bureau of Investigation
d.  Central Intelligence Agency

7.  The leader of this nation was the first foreign leader to visit Honduras’s new president.
a.  Cuba
b.  Italy
c.  Colombia
d.  Mexico

8.  The White House’s fiscal budget scraps this ambitious plan of NASA’s that former president George W. Bush supported.
a.  Black hole research
b.  Asteroid detection satellites
c.  The creation of a new American space station
d.  A new moon mission

9.  Argentina’s president Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner recently succeeded in pushing out this government official, who was the governor of the Central Bank.
a.  Martin Redrado

b.  Mercedes Marcó del Pont
c.  Daniel Volberg
d.  Rogelio Frigerio

10.  The peacekeepers of this African nation are on trial after they allegedly mutinied in Somalia.
a.  Ethiopia
b.  Cameroon
c.  Burundi
d.  Mozambique