Here are the answers for this week’s Extemp Central news quiz.  Check back next Monday for the latest news quiz to test your knowledge of current events.

1.  This Latin American nation has recently sacked its central bank governor over a dispute on how to handle the nation’s public debt.
a. Brazil
b. Argentina
c. Colombia
d. Peru

2.  This European nation caught serious flack last week after it planted explosives on air passengers.
a. The Czech Republic
b. Bulgaria
c. Slovakia
d. Serbia

3.  Who were the two Democratic senators last week that said they would not run for re-election in 2010?
a. Christopher Dodd and Byron Dorgan

b. Harry Reid and Christopher Dodd
c. Byron Dorgan and Blanche Lincoln
d. Mary Landrieu and Blanche Lincoln

4.  Michael Steele was in hot water with conservatives after he said what about the GOP in 2010?
a. Their outreach to minority voters was lacking
b. They were not going to retake control of Congress
c. The GOP had a wasteful fundraising apparatus
d. The GOP should support President Obama’s war on terror policies in the upcoming election

5.  This nation has recently supplanted America as the world’s largest auto market.
a. China
b. Japan
c. Singapore
d. Russia

6.  Ivo Jospiovic recently won this nation’s presidential election, which held a runoff on Sunday to decide the outcome.
a. Malta
b. Czech Republic
c. Bosnia
d. Croatia

7.  What is the name of Kim Jong-il’s third son who is pegged as North Korea’s heir apparent?
a. Kim Jong-nam
b. Kim Jong-chul
c. Kim Jong-un
d. Kim Jong-il II

8.  President Obama has endured significant criticism recently for backing off of a campaign pledge to broadcast healthcare negotiations on what network?
a. CNN
d. PBS

9.  This Democratic politician is in hot water after making some racially insensitive comments about President Barack Obama became exposed last week.
a. Nancy Pelosi
b. Robert Byrd
c. Ben Nelson
d. Harry Reid

10.  President Obama has ruled out sending U.S. forces to these two nations that are facing problems from Islamic militants.
a. Kenya and Algeria
b. Somalia and Jordan
c. Somalia and Yemen
d. Sudan and Libya