Here are the answers for this week’s news quiz.

1. The move by NFL owners to lockout players would be the _____ work stoppage in the league’s history.
a. Second
b. Fourth
c. Sixth
d. Eighth

2. This space shuttle flew its last flight last week.
a. Mercury
b. Discovery
c. Constellation
d. Columbia

3. This state refused to legalize gay marriage last Friday.
a. Vermont
b. Maryland
c. Georgia
d. Missouri

4. This American Senator has called for a moratorium on building nuclear power plants after the Japanese earthquake.
a. Harry Reid
b. Chuck Schumer
c. Joe Lieberman
d. Al Franken

5. This U.S. city is considering turning almost one third of its schools into charter schools to save the district millions of dollars.
a. New York City
b. Detroit
c. Washington D.C.
d. Chicago

6. The spokesperson in this U.S. cabinet department resigned after comments about the detention of a WikiLeaks suspect.
a. State Department
b. Commerce Department
c. Education Department
d. Defense Department

7. This country recently sentenced an American for bringing computer gear into the country as part of a pro-democracy program.
a. Egypt
b. Venezuela
c. Iran
d. Cuba

8. This Israeli West Bank settlements experienced a terrorist attack last week.
a. Elkana
b. Betar Illit
c. Itamar
d. Modi’in Illit

9. This state banned the use of the death penalty last week.
a. Minnesota
b. Wisconsin
c. Illinois
d. New Jersey

10. How many nuclear reactors have had their cooling systems fail in Japan?
a. Four
b. Six
c. Eight
d. Ten