Here are the answers for this week’s news quiz.

1. What is the new U.S. unemployment rate according to the federal government?
a. 7.5%
b. 8.2%
c. 8.9%
d. 9.6%

2. The top clerics in this Middle Eastern nation said that demonstrations for political reform were un-Islamic.
a. Libya
b. Saudi Arabia
c. Yemen
d. Syria

3. The center-right government of this European country won re-election on Sunday.
a. Hungary
b. Poland
c. Estonia
d. Spain

4. This Supreme Court justice was the dissenting vote in the Westboro Baptist Church case.
a. John Roberts
b. Samuel Alito
c. Anthony Kennedy
d. Clarence Thomas

5. The Japanese official in charge of this post resigned over the weekend for taking campaign contributions from a non-Japanese resident.
a. Foreign minister
b. Interior minister
c. Environmental minister
d. Finance minister

6. This GOP presidential contender was in hot water for claiming that President Obama was raised in Kenya.
a. Tim Pawlenty
b. Mitt Romney
c. Mike Huckabee
d. Sarah Palin

7. A Facebook group has called for writing “Free Palestine” on this item so that the Israeli government will get the message.
a. Books
b. Vehicles
c. Newspapers
d. Currency

8. What is the date for International Women’s Day?
a. March 8th
b. March 13th
c. March 18th
d. March 23rd

9. Scott Walker’s initial layoffs of Wisconsin state employees impact this many workers.
a. 500
b. 1,500
c. 3,000
d. 4,500

10. In a sign of troubled finances, this airline will no longer offer free pretzels and cookies to passengers.
a. American
b. Continental
c. Southwest
d. Northwest