Here are your answers to the Extemp Central news quiz for this week. 
1. PETA is suing Sea World and arguing that by keeping animals in captivity they are violating which amendment to the U.S. Constitution?
a. 11th
b. 12th
c. 13th
d. 14th

2. NATO has ended its mission in this country.
a. Afghanistan
b. Libya
c. Iraq
d. Syria

3. This country claimed that the world’s seven billionth person was born in one of their hospitals.
a. France
b. China
c. The Philippines
d. The United States

4. According to the Passenger Bill of Rights, it is illegal to keep passengers on an airplane that is sitting on the runway for what length of time?
a. 2 hours
b. 3 hours
c. 4 hours
d. 5 hours

5. Some states are looking at banning this product, which is finding its way into the world’s oceans.
a. Plastic bags
b. Soup cans
c. Lead paint
d. Dishwasher detergent

6. The G20, a collection of the twenty most powerful countries in the world, held a meeting in this country last week.
a. Great Britain
b. Italy
c. Spain
d. France

7. Occupy Wall Street protesters clashed with police in this California city last week.
a. Anaheim
b. Los Angeles
c. San Francisco
d. Oakland

8. This university is reeling after its athletic director was indicted for perjury.
b. Michigan
c. Penn State
d. Oklahoma

9. This GOP presidential contender came under fire for sexual harrassment charges last week.
a. Herman Cain
b. Mitt Romney
c. Newt Gingrich
d. Jon Huntsman

10. Mississippi is looking at adding language into its state constitution that would be concerned with this controversial social issue.
a. Affirmative action
b. Abortion
c. Title IX
d. Illegal immigration