Here are the answers for this week’s news quiz.  As always, the answers are placed in bold and are shown in the multiple choice versionquiz-01 format of this week’s quiz.

Check back next week for more R&D, more United States/International questions, and the unveiling of the Glenbrooks Ex Files edition which includes a topic brief on U.S. healthcare, a detailed description of this year’s National Points Race, a preview of the tournament written by last year’s champion Stacey Chen, and more.

Is there anything you would like to see on Extemp Central that is not being offered?  Do you like the new features on the site?  We want to hear from you so comment here or on our facebook group page.  Good luck in draw this weekend!

1. What is the current rate of unemployment in the United States?
a. 8.5%
b. 9.8%
c. 10.2%
d. 11%

2. Luis Moreno-Ocampo, the prosecutor of the ICC, visited what country last week to look into election violence?
a. Iran
b. Algeria
c. Kenya
d. Thailand

3. This Monday is the 20th anniversary of what historical event?
a. Sally Ride going into space
b. The fall of the Berlin Wall
c. Iran’s Islamic revolution
d. The Chernobyl nuclear disaster

4. The U.S. peace deal in what Latin American nation is said to have broken down?
a. Honduras
b. Colombia
c. Peru
d. Nicaragua

5. Which nation convicted 23 CIA agents in absentia last week?
a. Spain
b. Saudi Arabia
c. Switzerland
d. Italy

6. What does Iran’s opposition movement call itself?
a. The revolutionary democratic movement
b. The green movement
c. The real Islamic revolution
d. The Iranian republican movement

7. Which U.S. car firm recorded a profit for the first time in four years in October?
a. General Motors
b. Chrysler
c. Toyota
d. Ford

8. Which European leader visited the U.S. last week and addressed Congress on climate change?
a. Gordon Brown
b. Angela Merkel
c. Nicolas Sarkozy
d. Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

9. What had to be stripped out of the House healthcare bill in order to get enough votes from conservative Democrats?
a. End of life counseling
b. The public option
c. Abortion coverage
d. A mandatory requirement to purchase health insurance

10. Which U.S. senator has said that he will look into whether Fort Hood was a terror attack?
a. Joe Lieberman
b. Mitch McConnell
c. Lindsey Graham
d. Barbara Boxer