This is the latest news quiz from Extemp Central.  There are ten questions consisting of domestic and international issues that arequiz-01  eant to help extempers check and/or broaden their knowledge base. Although last week’s quiz had multiple choice, this week’s is all short answer/recall. Extemp Central will release two versions of the quiz next week, one multiple choice and one short answer, which coaches can use at their discretion to help students on a case-by-case basis.

1. Barack Obama changed plans for what type of defense system last week?

2. Which two countries were supposed to house this defense system?

3. Which politician cried last week when warning the U.S. public about the possiblity of political violence?

4. Which city, that experienced violence in the 1970s, did this politician reference?

5. Noordin Top was the most wanted terrorist in which country, where he was killed last week?

6. Afghan election alphabet soup: what do the IEC and ECC stand for?

7. Which European country re-elected a centre-left government last week and likely killed a possible EU bid in the process?

8. Last week, Congress moved to cut off funding for which community organizing group?

9. President Obama recently decided to impose a 35% tariff on what Chinese produced good?

10. Which Latin American nation is pushing forward a media bill called the Audio-Visual Communication Law? Its creators say it is needed for increasing voices in the media, while critics say it is trying to shut down criticism of this nation’s government.

Check back for the answers to the quiz on Friday!