Here is your multiple choice Extemp Central news quiz for this week.  Pick well and good luck!

1.  This credit rating agency downgraded the U.S. credit outlook from “stable” to “negative.”
a.  R&I
b.  Fitch Ratings
c.  Moody’s
d.  Standard & Poor’s

2.  This country is sending military advisers to aid Libyan rebels.
a.  Italy
b.  Great Britain
c.  Russia
d.  France

3.  This state is trying to get volunteers to test out a “mileage tax” system for drivers.
a.  Minnesota
b.  Illinois
c.  California
d.  New York

4.  This company had a National Hiring Day this week to try to acquire 50,000 new employees.
a.  Microsoft
b.  McDonald’s
c.  Office Depot
d.  Wal-Mart

5.  This state has hit with the worst tornado outbreak in 30 years last weekend.
a.  Arkansas
b.  Nebraska
c.  North Carolina
d.  Oklahoma

6.  This European country’s new constitution bans gay marriage.
a.  Romania
b.  Iceland
c.  Bulgaria
d.  Hungary

7.  International observers were pleased with the smoothness of this African country’s recent presidential election.
a.  Nigeria
b.  Guinea-Bissau
c.  Madagascar
d.  Zimbabwe

8.  Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong called for a new round of parliamentary elections next month.  Loong is the leader of this Asian economic power.
a.  Cambodia
b.  Vietnam
c.  Malaysia
d.  Singapore

9.  How many years has Syria lived under emergency rule?
a.  20
b.  31
c.  48
d.  62

10.  This country recently held a celebration to commemorate a failed U.S. backed invasion of the country.
a.  North Korea
b.  Cuba
c.  Venezuela
d.  Iran