Here is this week’s multiple choice Extemp Central news quiz.  Pick well and good luck!

1. This major political figure is facing trial on campaign finance charges.
a. Charlie Rangel
b. Rick Santorum
c. John Edwards
d. John Ensign

2. The abduction of Ilias Ali has stirred political tensions in this country.
a. Indonesia
b. Bangladesh
c. Libya
d. Yemen

3. This country is building a copy of a U.S. spy drone that crashed over its territory.
a. Pakistan
b. Iran
c. Russia
d. North Korea

4. Which candidate in the French presidential election won the first round?
a. Francois Hollande
b. Nicolas Sarkozy
c. Marine Le Pen
d. Jean-Luc Melenchon

5. Secret Service agents were here when they became embroiled in a prostitution scandal.
a. Libya
b. Turkey
c. Pakistan
d. Colombia

6. After North Korea launched its rocket this week, the U.S. cut this form of aid assistance.
a. Food aid
b. Fuel aid
c. Financial aid
d. Technology aid

7. This country recently announced that it will withdraw its combat forces from Afghanistan.
a. France
b. The Netherlands
c. Australia
d. Nigeria

8. Which country is currently responsible for putting U.S. astronauts into space?
a. South Korea
b. Russia
c. China
d. Great Britain

9. Why do historians think that the government collects taxes in the spring?
a. People buy more consumer goods in the spring, so there’s more money to tax
b. The government wants to get taxes on most people’s Christmas bonuses
c. Richer Americans used to leave town during the summer, so spring was best to tax them
d. George Washington believed that spring was best, so that’s what the government today does

10. Last week marked the fifth year anniversary of the shooting at this U.S. college campus, which took place in 2007.
a. University of California-Berkeley
b. Virginia Tech University
c. University of Mississippi
d. University of Texas-Austin