Here is your short answer news quiz for this week.  Good luck!

1. Who is the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party in Great Britain?

2. Last week, the media reported that Rupert Murdoch and the Wall Street Journal are targeting the audience of this paper in the “last great newspaper war.”

3. The recent oil spill that has taken place in the Gulf of Mexico is close to which state?

4. This nation was the biggest beneficiary of the WOrld Bank’s recent revamping of its voting structure.

5. Europe’s far right fared poorly in this nation’s recent presidential election.

6. This important U.S. political figure will release their memoir on November 9th.

7. State representatives in this state are calling for the National Guard to be used to quell crime.

8. This state has failed to overhaul its Medicaid system because of differences between its legislative and executive branches.

9. This retail outlet suffered a major blow when a U.S. court held that over one million women can collectively sue on the basis of sex discrimination.

10. Talks between Continental Airlines and this airline have hit a major snag.