Here is this week’s Extemp Central news quiz.  Good luck!

1. Who recently announced that they would be running for Alaska’s at-large House seat this November?

Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, who also ran as John McCain’s vice presidential candidate in 2008. Alaska’s sole House seat, which covers the whole state, became vacant upon the death of longtime Representative Don Young last month. Former President Donald Trump endorsed Palin shortly after she jumped into the race but she will face a tough campaign in a crowded field. The Washington Post also noted earlier in the week that a 2018 survey showed that only 31% of Alaskans viewed Palin favorably.

2. Last week, the Biden administration ordered carmakers to increase their fuel economy to how many miles per gallon by 2026?

49. This is a 33% improvement from the current average of 36 miles per gallon. It will apply to cars and light trucks and is part of the administration’s approach to tackling climate change. Bloomberg Business notes that that 49 mile per gallon mark is actually a testing figure and that when put into practice the number of miles per gallon automakers will be required to achieve is 39 miles per gallon.

3. According to a recent report from the World Health Organization, what percentage of the world breathes poor-quality air?

99%. The UN’s health agency argued that nearly everyone in the world breathes air that does not meet its air quality standards, recommending that more action be taken to reduce fossil-fuel use around the world. According to the report, the Eastern Mediterranean and Southeast Asia have the worst air quality in the world.

4. Who won Costa Rica’s recent presidential election?

Rodrigo Chaves, a former World Bank official. Chaves defeated former President Jose Maria Figueres in an ugly election that drew the lowest voter turnout since the 1940s. Chaves drew attacks from women’s groups over his past at the World Bank, where a report found that he sexually harassed multiple women, while Figueres was accused of corruption during his last presidential term.

5. What did Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan do when it looked like a no-confidence vote was going to be called against him?

Khan dissolved the Pakistani Parliament and issued a call for new elections. Opposition parties argue that the move was unconstitutional and have appealed Khan’s power to dissolve the assembly to the Pakistani Supreme Court. That body – at the time of the writing of this quiz on Tuesday evening – had yet to issue a decision. Khan has accused the United States of trying to depose him, something the U.S. denies. With political tensions rising, eyes are shifting to the Pakistani military, which has previously said that it does not want to involve itself in political matters. However, Pakistan’s military has deposed civilian governments in the past and if the political crisis continues, it could be tempted to intervene.

6. It was announced this week that the AUKUS alliance would be looking to develop what kind of technology?

Hypersonic missile technology. AUKUS, an alliance composed of the United States, Great Britain, and Australia, announced on Tuesday that they would work together to develop the technology, which has been tested by Russia and China.

7. Why was former President Barack Obama invited back to the White House earlier this week?

Obama was invited back to the White House on Tuesday to celebrate the twelfth anniversary of the signing of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and also champion President Biden’s efforts to expand coverage under the law. Democrats are hoping that Obama’s appearance can provide a political boost for the Biden administration and Democrats, who are looking for an issue that can help them stave off major losses in the upcoming midterm elections.

8. Who has recently become Twitter’s largest shareholder?

Elon Musk, the founder of SpaceX and Tesla. It was recently reported in the Wall Street Journal that Musk owns 73.5 million shares in Twitter, which is a 9.2% stake in the company, more than any other shareholder. Observers wonder whether Musk will attempt to do an activist restructuring of Twitter as he has been critical of its content policies.

9. What did U.S. President Joe Biden call Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday?

President Biden labeled Putin as “a war criminal” and urged that he brought to trial for alleged war crimes committed in Ukraine. According to Ukraine, 400 civilian corpses have been discovered as Russian troops withdrew near Kyiv. Clint Williamson, who served as U.S. Ambassador-at-Large for War Crimes Issues from 2006-2009 said that the bodies that were discovered showed signs of execution. Biden’s rhetoric against Putin continues a pattern in recent weeks, as Biden has also said that Putin should not be able to remain in power.

10. What is the new U.S. unemployment rate?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) on Friday, the U.S. unemployment rate is 3.6%, which is almost on par with the 3.5% unemployment rate in the U.S. prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. The U.S. also added 431,000 jobs in March.