Here is this week’s multiple choice version of the Extemp Central news quiz.  Good luck!

1. This Russian city saw a suicide attack last week that killed 26 people.
a. Baku
b. Moscow
c. Vladivostok
d. St. Petersburg

2. What is the current U.S. unemployment rate?
a. 8.9%
b. 9.3%
c. 9.7%
d. 10.2%

3. Last week, Timothy Geithner delayed a report that would have criticized this nation’s currency policy.
a. Argentina
b. Turkey
c. China
d. Mexico

4. The FBI and Department of Homeland Security are examining threats that have been mailed to American governors from this group.
a. The Earth Liberation Front
b. The KKK
c. Guardians of the Free Republics
d. Revolutionary People’s Army

5. This Supreme Court justice said that they will soon decide whether they want to step down.
a. John Paul Stevens
b. Ruth Bader Ginsburg
c. Anthony Kennedy
d. Clarence Thomas

6. Last week, Russia offered this nation help in constructing a nuclear power plant.
a. Ukraine
b. North Korea
c. Libya
d. Venezuela

7. Which nation has the most government corruption in the EU?
a. Bulgaria
b. Poland
c. Romania
d. Portugal

8. American engineers are studying the Chilean earhtquake to boost building codes in what state?
a. Virginia
b. New York
c. California
d. Missouri

9. The opposition in this African nation is boycotting this week’s presidential election.
a. Kenya
b. Mauritania
c. Zimbabwe
d. Sudan

10. The killing of a white supremacist leader in this nation touched off a major controversy last week.
a. Australia
b. The Netherlands
c. South Africa
d. Germany