Here is this week’s short answer Extemp Central news quiz.  Good luck!

1. In a breach of U.S. national security, it is believed that Pakistan let this country see the U.S. stealth chopper that was left behind from the Osama bin Laden raid.

2. This weekend marked the fiftieth anniversary of the construction of this European landmark.

3. Who won the Ames Straw Poll?

4. David Cameron’s cuts to this social service are under attack after the London riots.

5. An American Jewish man was abducted in this country over the weekend.

6. The 11th federal appeals court in this city ruled that the mandate in President Obama’s healthcare reform law was unconstitutional.

7. Conservationists have asked a federal appeals court to stop wolf hunts in Idaho and this other state.

8. This country recently launched a massive operation known as Operation Eagle to squelch al-Qaida and Bedouin terrorists.

9. The prime minister of this cuntry has resigned after three months on the job, continuing this country’s political stalemate.

10. Which GOP presidential hopeful quit after finishing in third in the Ames Straw Poll?