Here is the first multiple choice news quiz of the 2011-2012 season.  Pick well and good luck!

1.  The prime minister of this European country has recently called for an early election.
a.  Ireland
b.  Spain
c.  Portugal
d.  Italy

2.  Google recently acquired 1,000 patents from this company.
a.  Hewlett-Packard
b.  Dell
c.  Microsoft
d.  IBM

3.  This airline’s pilots were alleged to have committed an illegal work slowdown last week.
a.  US Airways
b.  Southwest
c.  Delta
d.  JetBlue

4.  In light of continuing financial problems, the U.S. Postal Service is looking to shut down how many post offices?
a.  1,000 
b.  2,000
c.  3,000
d.  4,000

5.  It has been reported that this company has more cash than the U.S. government.
a.  Wal-Mart
b.  Apple
c.  General Electric
d.  Toyota

6.  How much is the debt ceiling deal reached between President obama and the GOP worth?
a.  $500 billion
b.  $1.2 trillion
c.  $2 trillion
d.  $2.7 trillion

7.  150,000 Israelis protested on Saturday over what issue?
a.  Israel’s stance on Egypt
b.  Israeli-Palestinian peace process
c.  Corruption in the Netanyahu government
d.  The high cost of living

8.  This country saw the resignation of the top commanders of its armed forces last week.
a.  Myanmar
b.  Pakistan
c.  Turkey
d.  Norway

9.  Germany requested yesterday that the UN Security Council meet to discuss the worsening violence in this country.
a.  Libya
b.  Sudan
c.  Syria
d.  Somalia

10.  It is speculated that President Obama could have used which amendment to the U.S. Constitution in order to raise the debt ceiling unilaterally?
a.  11th
b.  14th
c.  18th
d.  23rd