Here is your first multiple choice Extemp Central news quiz for the 2010-2011 season.  Good luck!

1.  President Bill Clinton and President Barack Obama are supporting different Senate candidates in which state?
a.  Colorado
b.  Missouri
c.  Kentucky
d.  Florida

2.  According to UniCredit, a European banking group, says that this European nation is “the swing factor” in the continent’s financial crisis.
a.  Portugal
b.  Italy
c.  Spain
d.  Germany

3.  This Asian nation is attempting to block pornographic websites.
a.  India
b.  Nepal
c.  China
d.  Indonesia

4.  When was the last year that all of America’s major auto giants (GM, Ford, and Chrysler) made a profit?
a.  2002
b.  2003
c.  2004
d.  2005

5.  At the end of this month the U.S. have roughly how many troops remaining in Iraq?
a.  25,000
b.  50,000
c.  75,000
d.  100,000

6.  Flash flooding in this nation has killed as many as 3,000 people.
a.  Pakistan
b.  Sri Lanka
c.  Vietnam
d.  Bangladesh

7.  The soccer team for this nation underwent a public shaming last week.
a.  Argentina
b.  North Korea
c.  South Africa
d.  France

8.  Which Democratic Senator has said that they will vote against Elena Kagan’s confirmation?
a.  Blanche Lincoln
b.  Arlen Specter
c.  Barbara Boxer
d.  Ben Nelson

9.  Who is the first NATO country to end its combat mission in Afghanistan?
a.  Italy
b.  France
c.  The Netherlands
d.  Germany

10.  Name the two African-American Congressman that could face ethics trials this fall.