Here is the short answer version of this week’s Extemp Central news quiz. Good luck!

1. This nation’s monetary board held an emergency meeting Sunday in order to stop a rise in the nations’s currency.

2. Iran recently called the first lady of this nation a “prostitute” after she criticized the country’s decision to stone a woman to death.

3. Joe Manchin is the governor of this state and is running for the U.S. Senate this November.

4. France is deporting Roma (Gypsy) migrants back to Bulgaria and this nation.

5. Miners in this nation might be trapped untl Christmas.

6. Hong Kong’s population is angry at this nation for its botched response to a bus hijacking.

7. Last weekend was the five year anniversary of what major U.S. event?

8. The EPA considered a petition to ban this last week before backing off.

9. This Middle Eastern nation was forced to amend a cyber crimes law after concerns from journalists last week.

10. This conservative commentator led the ‘Restoring Honor” raly last week in Washington.