Here is your Extemp Central multiple choice news quiz for this week.  Pick well and good luck!

1.  Which ratings agency downgraded the U.S. last week?
a.  CRA
b.  Standard & Poor’s
c.  Fitch Group
d.  Moody’s

2.  Gangs of youth went on a rampage across several areas of this European city over the weekend.
a.  Berlin
b.  Naples
c.  Paris
d.  London

3.  The ex-prime minister of this country is on trial for charges of abusing authority, which has the United States concerned.
a.  Peru
b.  Ukraine
c.  Yemen
d.  Thailand

4.  This U.S. city’s school system is in the midst of a testing scandal.
a.  Washington D.C.
b.  Los Angeles
c.  Chicago
d.  Atlanta

5.  Tim Pawlenty criticized this Republican presidential contender for a lack of experience last week.
a.  Michelle Bachman
b.  Ron Paul
c.  Newt Gingrich
d.  Mitt Romney

6.  This member of President Obama’s cabinet has decided not to leave, which was expected after early August.
a.  Robert Gates
b.  Tim Geithner
c.  Eric Holder
d.  Hillary Clinton

7.  This month marks the three year anniversary of a war that Russia fought with this country.
a.  Uzbekistan
b.  Turkmenistan
c.  Georgia
d.  Poland

8.  Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff dismissed the occupant of this cabinet position last week.
a.  Interior minister
b.  Finance minister
c.  Defense minister
d.  Foreign minister

9.  Sanford Wallace, referred to as the “Spam King”, faces federal fraud charges for luring users of this site to third-party websites that collected their personal information.
a.  Twitter
b.  MySpace
c.  Facebook
d.  E-Bay

10.  Kroger was forced to recall this food last week.
a.  Potatoes
b.  Turkey
c.  Lettuce
d.  Ice cream