Here is this week’s multiple choice news quiz.  Pick well and good luck!

1.  What is the phrase that academics are using to explain the prolonged U.S. recession?
a.  Stagflation
b.  The new normal
c.  Compound asset devaluation
d.  Instanteous rate of change

2.  The boss of this company was ousted after sexual harassment complaints.
a.  Hewlett-Packard
b.  General Motors
c.  IBM
d.  Corning

3.  Who is Colombia’s new president?
a.  Angelino Garzon
b.  Antanas Mockus
c.  Alvaro Uribe
d.  Juan Manuel Santos

4.  Which of the nations below has NOT offered resistance towards efforts to put sanctions on Iran?
a.  Turkey
b.  Russia
c.  India
d.  Germany

5.  Pakistan’s president suffered a shoe attack in this state last week.
a.  Alabama
b.  Illinois
c.  Maryland
d.  Pennsylvania

6.  This nation has received international assistance to battle wildfires.
a.  France
b.  Russia
c.  Sri Lanka
d.  China

7.  Last week, the Taliban killed 10 aid workers that belonged to this organization.
a.  Nuristan Eye Camp Expedition
b.  Concern Worldwide U.S.
c.  The American Red Cross
d.  Doctors Without Borders

8.  John Boehner said last week that this amendment’s interpretation needed to be reconsidered.
a.  12th
b.  14th
c.  17th
d.  25th

9.  Michelle Obama’s trip to what country created a stir in the national media?
a.  Brazil
b.  Indonesia
c.  Spain
d.  Canada

10.  What is the latest U.S. unemployment rate?
a.  9.2%
b.  9.5%
c.  9.7%
d.  10.1%