quiz-01Here is your short answer version of the Extemp Central news quiz.  Answers for it will be posted tomorrow morning.  Good luck!




1.  Last week this agency declared six greenhouse gas emissions as a threat to the American people.

2.  This major American city elected recently elected an openly gay mayor.

3.  Last week France invited European nations to review what policy?

4.  What is the name of the Filipino insurgency group that bases operations on Mindanao?

5.  This Latin American nation has closed seven banks and accused their owners of fraud.

6.  This European leader was assaulted earlier this week.

7.  This Democrat has seen calls for their recall because of opposition to the healthcare bill.

8.  This Democrat has argued that they will not support the healthcare bill without a public option.

9.  This European economy recently received a credit downgrade which has shaken American stocks.

10.  This African nation has recently re-established diplomatic relations with France and won entry into the Commonwealth of Nations.