Here is your short answers Extemp Central news quiz for this week. Pick well and good luck!

1. A judge recently held that illegal immigrants can continue to pay in-state college tuition rates in this state.

2. Kwame Kilpatrick is facing a federal indictment for corruption. He was the former mayor of what city?

3. This U.S. bank has suspended payments intended for WikiLeaks.

4. How many electoral votes is Texas expected to gain in the latest Census report?

5. The Venezuelan legislature has given Hugo Chavez the power to rule by decree for how many months?

6. Reports indicate that the United Nations offered this African leader a deal to step down from power in 2000.

7. Iran’s government feared riots after it began implementing a plan to slash subsidies for this item.

8. The leader of this nation is called the “last dictator of Europe.”

9. WikiLeaks revealed that the Arab League boycotted this director back in 2007.

10. Which of the following was NOT one of the Republican Senators to vote for the repeal of “don’t ask, don’t tell”?
a. John McCain
b. Susan Collins
c. George Voinovich
d. Scott Brown